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Phillips Curve is Dead & the Fed Will Respond

The Phillips Curve states that inflation and unemployment have an inverse relationship. Higher inflation is associated with lower unemployment and vice versa. The Fed is actually recognizing that the Phillips Curve is dead. I have been warning that the Quantity Theory of Money is also dead because all the tremendous increases in the money supply […]

Are Cryptocurrencies Really a Hedge Against the Dollar?

QUESTION: Do you think that cryptocurrencies will be sustainable as governments become pressed for money? What is your view of the dollar? Will it really crash when things are so bad here in Europe? Thank you in advance GH ANSWER: I think it is really naive to believe that cryptocurrencies will survive when we face […]

Market Talk – May 11, 2020

ASIA: China on Monday threatened to retaliate against a US rule tightening visa restrictions on Chinese journalists in an escalating row after Beijing expelled more than a dozen American reporters. Citing China’s treatment of the reporters, the US Homeland Security Department issued new regulations on Friday, limiting visas for Chinese journalists to a maximum 90-day […]

The Euro & Digitizing the Currency

QUESTION: Marty, for the people within the EU it is absolutely critical to know what will happen when they go digital! Will there be a currency devaluation for bank deposits and cash? And when is the most likely time for that transformation from cash-to-digital? If there is a devaluation it would make absolute sense to […]

Will the Virus Kill Fiat Currencies?

QUESTION: The goldbugs hate you, but they read you. Now they are claiming that the virus will kill fiat currencies. My question is simple. If the government cancels the paper currencies and moves everything to digital, what is the difference? Isn’t that still their claimed fiat currency? PG ANSWER: Yes. They refuse to surrender their […]

Chaos, Viruses & Cash is Not Trash but King

QUESTION: Marty; first I want to thank you for Socrates. It called the crash in stocks, gold, currencies, and Bitcoin when everyone else was foaming at the mouth. The rumor was that $16 billion in gold was dumped. Was this just trying to crush the goldbugs, or was this more what you said at the […]

Gold in Currencies & Cryptocurrencies

QUESTION #1: Marty; On the Private Blog 1/19, you wrote “When we look at the Weekly Array, we can also see volatility rising this coming week. The two key weeks ahead are those of 01/27 and 02/17. Therefore, failure to make a new high warns that we may see a retest of support ahead. We […]

China Moving to Create a Digital Currency

China’s National People’s Congress has passed a new law to create a digital yuan. Back on December 5, 2013, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) took its first step in regulating Bitcoin by prohibiting financial institutions from handling Bitcoin transactions. They were using Bitcoin to get money out of China in a modern money laundering scheme. Cryptocurrency […]

Gold & Dollar Rising Together?

QUESTION: Marty, Socrates has done an amazing job forecasting gold all by itself. What I find stunning is gold is rising but so is the dollar. This once again points out that all this gold analysis that it will soar because the dollar is fiat and will go to zero seems really absurd. You have […]

Understanding the Energy Model

QUESTION: Hi Marty I try not to bother you with questions, I know you’re plenty busy answering much more complex questions but I’m wondering if you could explain energy in the markets a bit? I always watch for divergences in energy and price (both positive and negative), or fading energy during a rally, or a random […]