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Climate Change & How It Has Made Us Who We Are Today

All we ever hear is how Climate Change is caused by humans and it will destroy the world. They have been yelling that New Orleans and Miami will be UNDER WATER within the next century as rising sea levels put more than 400 US cities ‘past the point of no return’ unless we suddenly raise […]

CNN Destroyed By Weather Channel Founder Over Climate Change I can confirm that I was told to be a good boy and the government would hand me millions of dollars a year to put out studies to support whatever. They tell you what the conclusion is to be and you then write a report that they can claim some expert has derived this […]

Some German Politicians Come Out Joining Trump on Climate Change Calling it “Moral Blackmail”

Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada After Trump pulled out of the Climate Accord that would not let anyone speak at the Paris Conference who disagreed with their research, now according to Reuters, the conservative Berlin circle within the CDU is also calling for a softening of the German climate policy. In a statement, the group demanded an […]

G20 Funding for Climate Change Dropped

Reuters is reporting that Germany was forced to drop the request for funding research into climate change. Meanwhile, just perhaps we will now be able to hear the real evidence that climate change is not being caused by CO2, but by nature itself. Even NASA suddenly had to admit that just perhaps we should not ignore […]

Bonds & Climate Change

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your Global Market Watch picked the high in bonds perfectly and called it a major high. I have to say, the system you have created monitoring everything is an incredible teaching tool. I can see what you are saying. There is a major global trend that politicians cannot alter and that is […]

Climate Change – the New Religious Cult

This is the picture that was used to start the global warming movement that man supposedly created. Of course, since the weather is not consistently warmer, they changed the term from “global warming” to “climate change.” They pointed to everything from pollution, cutting down trees, exhaust from cars and buses, and even attributed it to […]

The History of Climate Change — Empires Fall When Warming Turns to Cooling

QUESTION:  Hi Martin I have a question I hope you can find time to answer. It appears we are heading into dark times with regards to the convergence of all of these cycles. We have government hunting every penny, we have civil war heating up between the left and right, we have revolution against government, […]

Trump Picks Climate Change Skeptic for EPA

President-elect Trump’s appointment of Scott Pruitt is a major change from the Obama Administration’s insane EPA ‘climate’ regulations. Trump’s pick of Pruitt clearly means that he is standing up to the green establishment. Historically, EPA chiefs have all been just climate change advocates. Trump met with Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio who are Global Warming advocates […]

Are they Using Hurricanes to Support Climate Changes Taxes?

Reporting from Florida, it is starting to smell like something is really rotten with these weather forecasts. The morning Hermine hit Florida on the West Coast, cross into the Atlantic and turned north, I was swimming in the ocean and there were plenty of surfers there as well. I then got dress and headed for the […]

Cycle of War & Climate Change – A Lethal Combination

Historically, crops fail during periods when the weather turns sharply colder. Rising food shortages coincide with rising aggression. This seems to be a link back into ancient times. The way the climate is now turning colder is in direct harmony with the war cycle. Switzerland began recording temperatures in 1864, which provide a good European […]