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Cryptocurrency & Dancing with the Devil

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I really love your work. You are the only one financial guy I follow. Your power is obviously your prediction computer program Socrates which I use every day. I understand that your other posts are just your opinions and I would like to point out some of the flawed arguments you make about […]

The Creature from Jekyll Island – Unprofessional Propaganda Book

QUESTION: Martin. Have you read the book Creature of Jekyll Island by Edward Griffin it is about the Feds and how they control? Many years ago I thought it was fiction but after reading it again it is true. My Question what can we do money will be what they want it to be the […]

Swedish Central Bank Voices Alarm

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Yesterday the Swedish Riksbank Chairman Stefan Ingves went on prime time TV expressing fear that public authorities are losing control over the Swedish currency! He also on prime time TV asked rhetorically -We have asked our self what is money?! Can you believe that!? What the heck is going on? The Chairman […]

Cryptocurrency – Is There a Total Risk of Loss?

Source: Wikipedia QUESTION: Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum and a co-founder of Bitcoin Magazine, said on Twitter. “Reminder: cryptocurrencies are still a new and hyper-volatile asset class, and could drop to near-zero at any time.” He said: “Don’t put in more money than you can afford to lose.” Do you agree with him? It seems […]


Martin Armstrong’s Media Appearances If you are interested in arranging an interview with Martin Armstrong, please fill out our “Contact” form located on the homepage and select “I have a question about media engagement and/or an interview request.” 2023 World War Zee: Maria Zeee – Martin Armstrong – Interview with Maria Zeee (10/27/23) World War […]

Cryptocurrency & the Race for Money

QUESTION: You have talked about bitcoin and are rightly skeptical as we all should be, yet creative destruction rolls on. What insights do you have to share about the Dapps and Ethereum? In reading your blog for several years now you have truly opened many peoples minds. Thank you for your insight! KS ANSWER: If […]

Bitcoin Still in Trouble

The rally in BitCoin was a perfect 13 weeks up from the last strategic low. It peaked with the Weekly Array the week of 12/18 which was both a Panic Cycle and a Directional Change. However, with the impending ban in South Korea on trading cryptocurrencies, the high of December appears to be at least […]

EU To Restrict Movement of Cash

The EU is now developing strict rules for carrying cash when traveling to non-European countries and returning to Europe. The revision of the First Cash Control Regulation from 2005, which stipulated that EU citizens should register cash in excess of € 10,000 when leaving the EU or when returning to the customs authorities have to, […]

Bitcoin Phase Transition or Plateau Move?

Hackers have managed to get $70 million worth of Bitcoin, revealing the risk of all electronic forms of money to which cryptocurrencies are not exempt. The prices keep soaring and requests to add it to Socrates have been coming in so we are complying. With the futures about to begin, this should make it a more […]

Bitcoin to be Declared a Financial Institution — Beware!

The risk with Bitcoin is that the government could simply change the definition of money. That is what they did to me back in 1980 because I was one of the three main market-makers in gold (perhaps the biggest). It was all a hunt for taxes, not concerning me but my clients. I have explained […]