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Was Bill Sleeping During Hillary’s Acceptance Speech?

Bill knows that other people write such speeches anyhow and they are never the real words of the speaker. So what the heck — might as well catch a break from the pretended nonsense anyhow. From this perspective, it really does not matter, Democrat or Republican, as both sides are scripted. Trump says a lot […]

Election 2016: Libertarian v Trump v Hillary

QUESTION: Marty – Your computer has been predicting the uptick of a 3rd party candidate. Why do you never talk about Gary Johnson or the Libertarian Party? You have to be leaning that way yourself, no? He’s getting about 8.5% in the polls, on aggregate, he’s suing the presidential debate committee to get into the […]

Wall Street Starting to Worry That Hillary May Lose

Support for Hillary continues to collapse. Wall Street’s previous expectation was that Hillary would win. That was the opinion of about 80% of the people on Wall Street. That has now crashed to 52%. As Hillary’s email scandal gets worse and worse, and the DNC email scandal adds to the fire, the opinions are starting […]

Obama Blames Russia for Exposing DNC & Hillary Fraud – Sorry, Not Likely

Obama has come out and blamed Russia for hacking the DNC. This, of course, is a diversion to create sympathy for Hillary and change the top of fraud, lies, and conspiracy against Bernie. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has responded by saying that “there is no proof whatsoever” that Russian intelligence is behind the thousands of hacked […]

Wikileaks Confirms Hillary is For Sale

The WikiLeaks release of the Democratic National Committee’s emails and documents have confirmed what has always been self-evidence to those behind the curtain — Hillary does not represent the people, she represents those who give her big money. Hillary takes money from the Wall Street guys and does their bidding. That is why the Clintons […]


QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Comey kept you in prison without any charges under the pretense of contempt. Then he supported a lifetime gag order on you to prevent you from ever helping the Japanese against HSBC, which is notorious for laundering money. Well Comey was also a board member of HSBC whose clients also contributed more […]

Hillary’s Scandals Causing Crash in Her Polls

Ever since Comey laid out all the evidence on Hillary, her polls have been collapsing and she is now dead even with Trump. On top of that, the FBI investigators had to sign a gag order. What else are they covering up? Hillary’s email scandal is far bigger than most people realize. They point to her selling the […]

Senate & State Department Begin Their Own Investigations into Hillary

It really is rather outrageous that the Democrats put forth Hillary as their candidate. They should have put in Joe Biden. Now both the Senate and the State Department are beginning investigations and Hillary will not be as protected as she was by Comey at the direction of Obama. Surely, the Democrats could have found […]

Why Comey Would Not Present the Case against Hillary to a Grand Jury

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why did Comey not present this matter to the grand jury? Isn’t it the role of the grand jury to decide to indict or not? ANSWER:The rules for a grand jury have been altered to the point that they have been reduced to a rubber stamp. Nevertheless, FBI Director James Comey had to […]

Comey Delivers Scathing Rebuke of Hillary But Says No Indictment

To indict someone, the criteria is supposed to be “intent.” Comey has used that to pretend there is no evidence that Hillary “intentionally” erased anything. Comey also stated that Hillary’s lawyers erased her emails using a keyword search program and they did not “read” the emails. He added that he would not recommend charges against Hillary […]