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Comments from Canada on Abuse of Taxes

COMMENT: Hi Martin, on the recent post about out of control government I can attest to at least 3 cases in the last 6 months. I work for a large coop FI and deal with people from all walks of life. Recently I had: 1) client was refused a permit after 4 months of applying for […]

Taxes Move People & Money

Taxes move people and capital. While governments are doing everything they can to shut down international capital flows that will result in the worst depression since 1929, they are also blind to the fact that internally both people and capital are on the move to the best tax deals.   The railroad expanded the economy […]

Hunt for Taxes Target Corporations

The world economy is imploding faster than anyone suspects. Governments cannot get it through their thick skulls that they consume money – they do not create economic growth. The higher the tax burden, the less disposable income, and the lower economic growth be it individuals or corporations. The difference is capital can flee, labor cannot. […]

74% of all Municipals want to raise Taxes – Hello DEFLATION!

Municipal governments are going broke everywhere. This entire structure of government would never have been designed even by a moron. In Germany. a survey of 300 municipalities shows that 74% are planning to raise taxes. Now 27% plan to increase their cemetery fees, 25% want to demand more money for attending daycare or day schools. […]

Florida Raising Property Taxes

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Our local city has just voted unanimously to raise the property tax rate 17.7%. They’re not alone, as many local municipalities in Florida have raised rates. 37 of 39 cities in a four county area have raised rates at least once since the 2007 downturn, according to newspaper reports, one has gone […]

Retired British Citizens maybe Forced to Return to UK for TAXES

The Sovereign Debt Crisis is moving at full speed worldwide. British Expats who have been renting out their homes in Britain are the latest target to changing taxes. George Osborne wants to stripped of the right to use the personal allowance under a taxation. Britons who are not taxed like Americans on worldwide income could be […]

Australia First to Stop Global Warming Taxes

Australia is the first country to reverse this propaganda Global Warming Tax in the world. The data have been manipulated all to justify new taxes and a herd of new bureaucrats to collect and audit such taxes. This has been the greatest propaganda and the scientists who have been on board are doing so ONLY […]

Is there a Revolution Brewing over Taxes? OECD Says Yes!

This idea that we live in a world where government cares about us is just the biggest propaganda ever. Everyone one will only pursue their own self-interest. The OECD has interesting come out and warned that if governments are unable to stop the transfer of wealth to a small financial elite, the displeasure of the dispossessed […]

Global Warming – Fraud to Raise Taxes?

More and more info is starting to surface how they have been “adjusting” this data on global warming to service political agendas. Those in government could care less about such things. But hey, if they can use it to create “carbon” taxes, hell – count they in. This is the real problem with global warming. […]

Bull Market in Taxes

You can rent mansions in France now really cheap for anyone who had money seems to have left the country. The Labour Party in Britain is proposing a 2% property tax. There is no property tax in Britain or France. This is already starting to slow the trend in property prices in London itself and […]