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Riots Getting Worse in Ukraine Right Now

  Protests are going on right now in Kiev. The government is using water canons and flash grenades against the youth. The government in power is determined to link with Russia while the youth see their liberty and future vanishing before their eyes. We have people actually on the ground there so this info may […]

Ukraine Cracking Down on Protesters Restricting Use of Internet

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate Committee hearing on the Ukrainian question admired the bravery of Ukrainian protesters and in response today Ukraine announced a new law making all protests illegal. They said that nobody can even purchase a Sim card for a telephone without producing a passport. The government will now decide if one can even have any Internet access […]

The Internal Battle Within Ukraine – Strategically Quite Important

There is an internal struggle in Ukraine that is tearing the nation in two manifest in its capital at Kiev. The struggle tends to be between the East and West.  Ukraine was actually Europe’s second largest country during the twentieth century, occupies 232,200 square miles (603,700 square kilometers). There is a battle going on inside Ukraine […]

Global Taxation – Proposal to Fight Climate Change and Poverty

Finance ministers from France and Brazil are urging the G20 to implement a minimum 2% tax on billionaires in an effort to fight climate change and poverty. Everyone cheers when the suggestion is to tax someone else, but feigns shock when the rules expand and everyone experiences rising taxation. Global collaborative efforts such as war […]

Chuck Schummer is a Threat to the World

The Republicans have blocked funding for Ukraine, demanding restraints on the unrelenting onslaught of illegal aliens. Chuck Schumer has put out the propaganda that will risk everything the world has worked for since World War II. The Democrats are on board with the Neocons. The only way they can continue this insane agenda as we […]

Britain’s Perspective on World War III

Britain believes the next world war against an “axis of upheaval” will begin within three years. General Sir Roly Walker has issued a warning that Russian President Vladimir Putin will seek revenge against the Western powers who supported Ukraine. He believes China, North Korea, and Iran will form an alliance against the West by 2027 […]

Hungary Being Pushed out of the EU?

The European Union has revoked Hungary of its right to host the next summit. The EU supposedly has a rotating presidency of council to maintain the appearance that each state has an equal say in the direction of the bloc. The truth of the matter is that the unelected elite in Brussels control all of […]

Zelensky Prepared for a Trump Presidency

Donald Trump has guaranteed to end the war in Ukraine if elected president, vowing to do so before his first day in office. The recent outpouring of support for Donald Trump has led world leaders to consider the possibility of a second Trump presidency. Perhaps no one would dread a second Trump term more than […]

Tax Code Change for Emergency Retirement Withdrawals

Low-income Americans are in such dire straits due to the elevated cost of living that lawmakers are making changes to the tax code. No, naturally, the politicians are not voting to decrease taxes for those who can barely get by. Instead, they’re permitting Americans to pull a mere $1,000 out of their retirement accounts without […]

Why Trump’s Plea for Unity Will Fail

I watched Trump’s speech with the understanding of how when someone tries to kill you, and you survive, you emerge with a changed view. As I explained, you do lose your fear of death, which at first I thought was strange, but you also emerge with a stronger conviction of purpose. That is what I […]