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Agricultural Loans Declining Right on Target

One of the most fascinating observations I have made over my career has been that the banks always lend at the top and contract lending at the bottom in every market. Going into 1980, banks were calling me to ask if I wanted to borrow money. Recently, I got a phone call from my bank […]

Market Talk – July 17, 2019

ASIA: China told the Trump administration today to “make up its mind” regarding the trade deal, according to the South China Morning Post. China also warned that additional tariffs will derail the current negotiations. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin this week stated that he and his entourage could be traveling to China this week if […]

WEC 2019 Orlando – Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door or the Big Fake Out?

We'd like to thank everyone who was able to join us at the World Economic Conference!

If you were not able to join, a video of the event will be available shortly.

The Great Alignment & 2020

QUESTION: Hi Marty, are the current political events in Hong Kong linked to the turning point for Hong Kong especially with regards to the currency peg? Thanks for all your work NC ANSWER: This turning point in the ECM on January 2020 appears to be the turn in public confidence on a global scale. Much […]

False Flags – Not the Fringe Conspiracy but Reality

QUESTION: Are false flags by governments part of the end of this cycle or a modern practice? And why is it called a false flag? DK ANSWER: No – they are very real. Politicians have made false allegations to start wars and prosecute people politically since there have been politicians. The term “false flag” was […]

Sweden Implanting Chips in Your Right Hand to Eliminate Cash

There have been many people who fear the forecasts of the Bible’s Revelations and the sign of the Beast that no one will be able to buy or sell without receiving “a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark […]

How Long Can Artificially Low Interest Rates be Maintained?

QUESTION: Dear Martin, First let me thank you for your paradigm shifting blog and the incredible conferences you and your team put together. They really are on a level all their own. As we approach the next turning points in the ECM it seems that there are tremendous cross currents favoring both inflation and deflation. […]

Market Talk – July 12, 2019

ASIA: White House trade advisor Peter Navarro said that investors should take the news regarding the trade deal with a pinch of salt. “My advice for investors is to be patient with the process and don’t believe anything you read in either the Chinese or the U.S. press about these negotiations unless it comes from […]

Why Nobody Wants to Forecast the Business Cycle

COMMENT: It is fascinating how your work has been so accurate on forecasting the business cycle, yet you are probably the most ignored by the mainstream media. The only possible reason for this is that they are not interested in someone who can forecast the business cycle when the general belief is that governments can […]

Goldman Sachs Control the SEC

QUESTION: you spoke about trump draining the swamp, how would you drain the swamp, we agree it needs draining? tg ANSWER: The first thing you have to do is eliminate the control of the regulatory agencies by the bankers. Enough is enough. We must start there. We will NEVER see any hope for the future […]