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Politics & the Take Over of the USA by 2022

  QUESTION: Do you think this was meant to be like a 911 event to use against the people with Domestic Terrorism legislation? VB ANSWER: Yes. There was an effort to even take hostages and people had plastic ties to do that. If you look at this video, it was the real Trump supporters who […]

Our Super Rich Friends & Big Tech

BigTech has shown its true colors. They have been censoring conservatives to push the left-wing revolution because they have been promised, as the “SUPER RICH FRIENDS” that they will inherit the banking systems. They will no longer bail out the banks. Last March, the Fed began to lend on commercial paper for the first time […]

Pelosi in State of Panic

Pelosi is in a state of Panic trying to Impeach Trump and demanding Pence invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump. The Senate does not return until the 19th so there is no time for a trial but her charge is absolutely absurd, to begin with. What seems to be the talk running around is […]

Pelosi’s Laptop & Conspiracy Theories

  Look, the siege of the Capital was clearly a staged event. They allowed people in because there were other operatives there as well. Here is a video of men in hoodies who the people thought were Antifa running out of the building. They at least responded that they were NOT Antifa. It is believed […]

What Was the Capitol Siege?

COMMENT: These people posing for this photo certainly do not represent conservatives. One even has a mask. The Davy Crocket guy has the bull horn to lead the charge. Something is not right. PC REPLY: This breach into the Capitol Building was a false flag. There was no doubt about Trump supporters there. The guy […]

Military v Police

QUESTION: Why do you think he will not call in the military? DF ANSWER: Trump would not want to leave history in this context. However, if there can be concrete proof of Pelosi’s treason emerge from her laptop, then it would be a different story. However, if you look at history as a guide, there […]

Conspiracy Theories v Pelosi Laptop

You have people claiming Trump will call in the military at the last minute. That is just not plausible. The other story is that covert-ops have Pelosi’s Laptop and that reveals far more than anyone would dare to speculate. They insist that Pelosi is trying to impeach Trump because of that. She has also called […]

Democrats Draft Impeachment

Confidence in Government in a 34 years Crash & Burn

COMMENT: The difference between Socrates and the fake pandemic or socialism or fake global warming is that people are allowed to take or leave the information presented here without threats or consequences. There is no force or bribing used to accept the results of the system…which is the determination of many inputs to drive an […]

Censorship is Now the Norm – Free Speech is Officially Gone

    Google has just banned Parlar App and Apple has declared it will do the same giving them 24 hours. Twitter’s permanent ban on Trump shows that it is by no means a mere platform but is a political agenda in and of itself. Facebook has also banned Trump. For all the community guidelines […]