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The Return of Mercenaries

Private armies for hire are becoming popular on all sides. For government, this is the greatest invention since taxes – no social benefits. Mercenaries fighting for the USA get about $141,000 a year. Even in Ukraine there are a number of mercenaries from Europe and other countries is on the rise. They fight on the side […]

Obama-Sanctions & Ukraianian Ceasefire

The economic sanction against Russia are causing serious economic damage in Europe. Farmers are going bankrupt and Finland has lost its triple-A rating thanks to Obama-Sanctions. The sanctions were wrong from the start and they should be removed immediately. The attempt at a permanent ceasefire has come about not because of Obama-Sanctions, but despite the […]

Gorbachev One of the last few world leaders Blasts Obama as the Great Plague

I have known world leaders as everyone knows. There was a time when before Bush, Jr., you could have an intelligent conversation with such people. Ever since, the quality of leadership has crashed and burned. One of the few true leaders who had courage and the brains behind it was Mikhail Gorbachev. Now Mikhail Gorbachev has been […]

Free Handouts Always Invoke a Behavior Change

  Animals are not stupid. Even a bird will respond to free food and trust you to come close. Here I am feeding a bird willing to fly up to me because I have free food. Humans are no different.  Like the bird that trusted me, humans trust government to be there as well. What […]

Ebola – The Next Plague/Pandemic?

On Wednesday another American, NBC News reporter in Liberia Ashoka Mukpo was diagnosed with the deadly virus, the channel reported. He is being evacuated to the US for treatment. However, the appearance of Ebola in Europe has not been widely reported. On Friday, Germany confirmed its second case of Ebola, as a man flown from West […]

ECB Meets in Naples & Riots Breakout

The European Central Bank (ECB) says it met in Naples to celebrate Europe’s diversity. The ECB president Mario Draghi defends the ECB  insisting that it helped fix the crisis, amid anti-austerity demonstrations in Italy that have rocked Naples.  The government has been gassing people and turned water cannons on the demonstrators. The problem is that government and the ECB […]

EU To Aggressively Increase Tax Collection

The Social Democrats in Europe demand that the office of the new EU Commissioner place the collection of taxes very high on the agenda. All governments are going broke and this is the DEFLATIONARY side the hyperinflationists never acknowledge. Those in government only view their crisis through tax evasion and avoidance and exaggerate everything. The […]

Catalonia Vows to Move Toward Separation from Spain WIth Vote November 9th

The Catalonia region of northeastern Spain whose capital is Barcelona, is preparing to make a breakaway from Spain largely on the same issues of corruption and disparity in taxes where the North feels it is supporting the South. Despite the “no” vote in Scotland that appears to have been anything but a fair election for Scottish citizens, […]

Was the Scottish Vote Really Scottish?

Being Scottish was actually not the criteria to be able to vote. The entire criteria was residency. As a result, almost 400,000 people living north of the border in Scotland were actually not Scottish but born in other parts of the UK (reported the BBC back in 2012). The number of Scots living in England, […]

Why the 2014 Precious Metals Outlook Report is Important

COMMENT: Marty, I just ordered the Gold report. Wanted you to know I am not a gold bug….just interested in a market that is BOTTOMING…with good upside as opposed to the current US markets. Like many, just not interested in these valuations as the “perceived” risk is greater than a market that potentially has significant upside […]