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Black Thursday – January 15, 2015

  It is being called Black Thursday. There was a tremendous natural short-position in the Swiss franc with all the people who borrowed Swiss to save on interest rates. True they saved interest. In return, they gained a 30% loss in currency. This natural short position from borrowing Swiss impacts mortgages in Britain down to […]

The Coming Mortgage Panic Set-Off By Swiss

During the 1980s, Australians were hit hard as banks had sold them mortgages in Swiss francs to save them on interest rates. The next shoe to fall is the Swiss Franc Mortgage Panic that will be part of 2015.75. Countless homeowners outside of Switzerland have been sold mortgages in Swiss francs. They will now see […]

Opinion v Capital Flow Analysis

Over the past three years, I have received countless emails about how I am wrong and if it were not for me commodities would rise. These nasty comments are typical from someone who wishes to live in denial and pretend that their OPINION is correct and that the world is wrong – never them. My […]

Capitalism – Socialism – Communism

  The business cycle is critical to understand. The difference between Capitalism and Socialism is simple. Capitalism is where you are free to decide what you do with your money, and Socialism is where government orders you what to do with their money, which you earn. The difference between Communism and Socialism is clever. The […]

The Bond Bubble

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for the amazing information you provide so freely. I have been trying to warn friends & family about the bond bubble that you have identified. It’s easy enough to explain why international capital flows are pushing the USD and bond market higher, but I am having trouble explaining WHY the […]

The Bond Bubble – Confirmed

The BUBBLE for 2015,75 should be the bond market – not stocks. The capital flows should move into the typical flight to quality mode and drive rates even lower. This will set the stage for BIG BANG. To accomplish that, we should see the stock markets tread water, but not necessarily drive off the cliff. […]

Coming Emerging Market Debt Meltdown

It seems the one primary area that people disagree with the view of the future is the rise in the dollar that is on the horizon. I have warned that in discussions behind the curtain, there will be a move to replace the dollar as the reserve currency. I have also stated that the only […]

Where do we Hide? Was Dante Right? Is the End Near?

So where do we go now? It is beginning to look like we just should move to a beach and live off the land at least until government comes in and begins to tax in-kind as did Rome. Anyone with 10% of a functioning brain is starting to connect the dots. We can see 2015.75 […]

Big Bang 2015.75

  Numerous emails have been coming in about what is “Big Bang” that we originally forecast at the 1985 Conference. To put this in plain cyclical terms, there has not been a trend that lasts for more than 26 years without serious change.   Originally, the depression that followed 1873 lasted for 26 years with […]

Chaos Theory – You Can Map Any Market to Reveal the Hidden Order

One of the interesting questions at IDFA was have I solved Chaos Theory? I am not sure that needs to be solved. The problem we have is confined to our mind and trying to translate concepts into words to facilitate expressing what we think is linear thought but is not. This is the Lorenz strange […]