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The Republican Convention in Review

Those in the establishment are truly beside themselves. People like Jon Stewart are bashing Trump supporters saying, “You Don’t Own America,” which means only one thing — shut up and let the rest of us control government as we always have. The Trump supporters are the main backbone of America who have been ignored, lied to, and abused in […]

Taxation Without Representation or Even Residency

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The taxation of the internet seems to be rising. At the same time it appears as though this could really harm the economy by reducing competitiveness of small companies trying to comply with collecting taxes of so many different states. Have you looked at this as a possible factor in creating the […]

Australia Creates Domestic Violence Tax

The politicians in Australia know how to shove a tax through that they can flip on anyone who opposes it. Australia is now implementing a “domestic violence tax” whereby they will charge every household $30 annually to create a fund to help victims of domestic violence. There were about 124.6 million households in the United […]

Just Shut up & Pay a TV Tax — So What if You Don’t Have One!

When it comes to taxes, just shut up and pay. It does not matter what the “intent” is — just pay. The German High Court upheld a broadcasting tax that requires everyone to pay for TV and radio. It seemed logical to question why someone should pay the tax if they do not own a TV or […]

The End of Global Warming — the New Ice Age — Bundle Up!

I have received emails from people who claim global warming exists and I am in denial. To start, all of the studies that claim there is global warming end with the 19th century. The sun has a documented 300-year cycle between maximum and minimum energy output. It is a thermodynamic system, meaning the energy must fluctuate or […]

Australian Elections Fail to Resolve Political Crisis

This weekend we had the elections in Australia. Of course, they were not on our list for the year of political hell. They sold off in the wake of Australia’s weekend election and in parallel fashion with about 5bps of cheapening across the curve. The election vote count will continue on Monday with a few […]

Declining Pound Savior of Britain

QUESTION: Marty It looks like Carney and Osborne are talking the pound down in order to frighten people. Only one of their prophesies have come true – the lower value of sterling. But it is unhelpful that they continue to be negative – even though they’ve proved to have been wrong on all the other things […]

Rebellions: Public v Private Waves

QUESTION: Sir, Pondering the patterns that you have found in history, I have been mulling over the crossroads that lie in front of us in the next few years. You noted that sovereign debt crises occur about every 86 years or so. You also noted that civil disturbance goes hand in hand with those events. […]

The Supreme Court Just Created a Full-Blown Police State – The End of the USA Cannot Be Far Behind

The Supreme Court ruling in Utah v Strieff awarded the police total freedom to stop any citizen, at any time, to do whatever they desire. The Supreme Court determined that the “poisonous fruit” of a police officer’s stop of a citizen can be used against them at trial. This has wiped out, in reality, any constitutional protection […]

Central Banks Made Govt Debt the Riskiest Debt of All Time

The central banks have risked it all and lost. They have reached the point of no return. The Fed decided not to raise rates, which are desperately needed to prevent a collapse in pensions and insurance companies, and merely froze like a deer in headlights. The superficial analysts who think lower rates are good for […]