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Confusion in Gold

The collapse in interest rates has led to a very unstable environment as far as the traditional interest and carrying cost for gold and other commodities. Of course people have made a big deal out this BACKWARDATION claiming it is a sign of real bullishness and manipulation. In truth, it is simply the interest and […]


QUESTION: Dear Mr.Armstrong, Long time reader here, have read all of your materials since posted online and continuing on to your blog now. I have also been to your conference held in Bangkok 2 years ago, and I remember I wondered if it was a suitable location given its constant political upheavals, it’s a shame […]

Unemployed Youth Exceed 200 million

A United Nation study has reported that about 206 million people are now unemployed. This is the cost of socialism taxing the rich so there is no job creation with nearly half of that number amounting to youth under 25 years old. The economy on a global scale is terribly weak. This UN annual report […]

New Global Market Watch Up and Running

  The New Global Market Watch is up. You can click on the link below and then click of any individual market in the GMW page. This will take you to the second level for a more detailed look at that market. While this is not perfect, it is purely a pattern recognition model that […]

China’s Sovereign Wealth Fund $575 billion and growing

Europe and the United States cannot compete for the future because their governments are like black holes sucking in the wealth of their own people and squandering it on unproductive forces. When we look at the former communistic empires of China and Russia, we see countries building from clean slates rather than imploding trying to […]

Deflation & Europe – Coming Great Depression

Sometimes you just have to be smacked in the face three times before you recognize when is happening. There is a rising tide that DEFLATION is starting to be seen as the real threat facing the world economy emerging out of Europe. I cannot stress enough that Europe is disintegrating before our eyes. Between Hollande […]

Cycles of War – Guardian Asks is it Repeating?

Indeed, World War I does not erupt solely by the assassination of the Archduke of Austria. Resentment builds and you have to look for the subtle signs. In the case of World War I, it really began with old resentment dealing with the Christian;Muslim confrontation with the old Ottoman Empire. Even that goes back to […]

MADMAX v Restructure

QUESTION: Hi Marty, You truly are the gadfly that Plato described of Socrates who kept pestering Greek government till they executed him but who Socrates commented that you are only killing the government and society more than you are killing me!  You talk of the collapse of the American empire sometime in 2032 analogous to […]

Hyperinflation Impossibility in Private Sector

COMMENT:  Martin, would the Hyper Inflation Deflation Debate be as simple as using a stock share consolidation example to get it to people’s thick heads who believe Hyperinflation is coming? If a large Company like Google was going bankrupt due to enormous debt does the public actually believe the shares would hyper-inflate LOL! Do you […]

Hyperinflation Is it even Possible?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have investigated your explanation of hyperinflation and can see that you are correct in that this is limited to third world and revolutionary governments. Is it correct to say that as government becomes a bit more aggressive to try to meet its obligations, the economic collapse is a self-destruction process of […]