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Civilization and its Rise and Fall

QUESTION: Concerning 911, you said the people in Guantanamo Bay are innocent so they never bring them to trial. Was that the break which set in motion the decline of our civilization? KJ ANSWER: That is certainly possible. Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani was the terrorist they put on trial in New York and was supposed to be […]

Market Talk – January 5, 2021

ASIA: China’s economic growth could reach as high as 9 percent next year, and its rapid rebound from the coronavirus pandemic may help the economy overtake the US to become the world’s largest later this decade, analysts said. Nomura and China International Capital Corporation put China’s gross domestic product growth for 2021 at 9 percent. […]

The Threat of this Triumvirate to Everything that is Freedom

Make no mistake about this, we have the merger of three theories as part of this Great Reset which has merged the old ideas of a one-world government with Schwab’s idea of resurrecting Communism for only the lower classes. Gates wants to reduce CO2 and the population, Soros wants a one-world government headed by the […]

Market Talk – January 4, 2021

ASIA: The UK-based Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) said China’s “skillful” management of Covid-19 would boost its relative growth compared to the US and Europe in coming years, and China will overtake the US to become the world’s largest economy by 2028, five years earlier than previously forecast. Meanwhile, India is tipped to […]

Political Prosecution of  Julian Assange Rejected by British Judge

A British judge rules against the abuse of political prosecution of  Julian Assange which has become standard in the United States and Congress refuses to ever investigate. The mere fact that this case has made it to court let alone gone on this long is an example of political prosecutions that are a disgrace to […]

Pelosi wins Speaker of the House

  Nancy Pelosi won another term as Speaker of the House of Representatives on Sunday, but it was a much closer election as the 117th Congress began. The California Democrat, 80, will hold the position for a second consecutive two-year term and fourth overall, having previously been elected in 2007, 2009, and 2019. However, the […]

Politics 6th or 8th

COMMENT: Marty; your warning that the Republican party will self-destruct and your insightful post about Trumpism was around before Trump is very important. I just wanted to say we have 100 people now in the House who will object to the Electoral College. You are well-read here in DC. Please, don’t give up. Anonymous REPLY: […]

Republicans Democrats & 3rd Party

QUESTION: You never said that the Republicans would split only the Democrats. Has something changed? SD ANSWER: No. The Democratic split is different. That is a party of highly diverse beliefs. You have the middle-of-the-road Democrats who want Pelosi gone. She represents to them the radical California contingent – as the call it. There are […]

Pence & it is His Duty to Count or Reject Votes

Many people are praying that Vice President Mike Pence will reject the count from the disputed states for it is his plenary duty to accept or reject those votes. The 1800 and 1824 elections were contingent elections in Congress after no candidate won a majority of electoral college votes, and a special 15-person commission decided the […]

The Split is Coming

Socrates has been projecting political upheaval which began with the 2016 election where Trump took the presidency against all odds. The press was always covering Trump and ignored the other Republican candidates because they were trying to manipulate the election back then. They assumed Trump was a joke so they covered him all the time. […]