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Donetsk & the Prisoner Parade

The political manipulations in Ukraine are fascinating and cruel. We have seen a very shameful display of politics in Donetsk with the “parade” of prisoners which was intended to make Ukraine so angry they would want Donetsk to leave for no Ukrainian would want to live with such hatred. The aim is to stir up hatred towards […]

There is an 800% Higher Probably Americans Will be Killed by Police Than by a Terrorist

The Ferguson incident has exposed the underbelly of the United States and now everyone is starting to pay attention that there is a higher risk of being killed by police even when they chase or shoot at people who need not be you. The risk is 800% greater that you will be killed by POLICE […]

Police Shoot First – Ask Questions Later?

The reason police should NOT be armed is very clear. They ALWAYS shoot to kill and their victims end up dead with multiple shots. They never shoot just to disarm a person and far too often they kill people who are unarmed. The traffic stop where police start shooting at a woman and a minivan […]

Tensions Continue to Rise Between USA & Russia & the Media Plays Games

Russia is teaming up with the Red Cross to send aid to Eastern Ukraine. The US is trying to say this is an invasion attempt. In fact, our sources are clear. In the city of  The greatest complaint rising from the East is the propaganda being hurled around in both directions. In this pro-Ukrainian cartoon […]

Kiev New Riots

The people who fought so hard to establish freedom in Ukraine has continued to occupy Maidan in Kiev. The new “west” installed government In Kiev is turning against the people for all governments are only interested in sustaining their own self-interest – power. The original freedom protesters are being told to leave and they have […]

What Goes Around – Comes Around – Russian Sanctions on Europe

Put has directed a one year ban on importing food from the West. Even fruits and vegetables are now affected by the proclaimed sanctions by the Kremlin. Putin’s one year ban was announced by prime minister Dmitry Medvedev. The sanctions are Russia’s sharpest response to Western sanctions over the Ukraine conflict. They also apply to […]

Cameron Lashes Out Against Putin – Prepare for World War III

David Cameron and Vladimir Putin met face-to-face talks in June. Now Cameron is towing the US line and is speaking out to NATO warning it is “unprepared for Russia threat”. Cameron has told NATO that it seriously needs to rethink its long-term relationship with Russia. British Prime Minister David Cameron has warned that Russia’s “illegal” actions in […]

The Shift from West to the East

The computer has done a pretty good job on forecasting the markets, but also the rise in the Cycle of War that seems to be exploding absolutely everywhere. All I can do is articulate what it is forecasting for nobody could possibly make such a forecast years in advance based solely upon opinion or even […]

Sanction Against Russia Set the Stage for the Next Real Big Crash

This entire war of sanction against Russia will contribute greatly to the economic decline next year from 2015.75. Even the US economic growth is slow and unemployment is more than twice as high as it was when the Great Depression began when it was just 5% back then compared to 10%+ currently. With China, emerging […]

Lies & War

In the Cycles of War conference, I examined the facts history has left behind for the excuse to start war. Here is the advertisement placed in the NY newspapers by the Germans warning people not to sail on the Lusitania. In the face of truth, the government and the press willingly transformed that incident into […]