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Will US Companies Repatriating Cash Home Create Banking Crisis Outside USA?

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you believe that if American companies do repatriate dollars to get the low tax rate in the USA, will this impact foreign banks as capital withdraws? I figured you are the best qualified to answer that question nobody seems to be discussing. Thank you for sharing your expertise. SY ANSWER: […]

Reality of Being a Chief Economic Advisor

QUESTION: I thank God that your are here in my lifetime. The information you freely impart is priceless and I can’t wait to read your daily Posts. I believe that it would be incredibly wise if President Trump were to invite you to replace Gary Cohen as his Chief Economic Advisor. My question is regarding the […]

The Economic Confidence Model & Why there are 6 waves

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Firstly – sorry to hear about the passing of your mother. Secondly – thank you very much for reading and answering questions. My question – what is the significance of the six repetitions in the ECM? Six 8.6 years make a cycle and six of these make a larger cycle and […]

WEC 2018 Orlando Emails Went Out for Pre-Sale Tickets to Previous Attendees

We have sent out emails to those who attended last year’s WEC to allow you to purchase tickets before they are open to the general public since we sell out this event every year. We are trying to reduce the size. Those who are interested in attending may purchase their tickets in advance. They will […]

Government Always Needs an Enemy & Will Always Respond the Same to a Given Set of Facts

COMMENT: Hey Marty, With regard to South Africa reclaiming farmers land. Capetown is in severe drought conditions, the water there will be shut off to its 4 million residents on May 11, this is being referred to as “day zero”, Rich and poor will then have to stand in line for their water rations. Not surprising […]

Climate Change – Catastrophic or Linear Slow Progression?

Indeed, science was turned on its head after a discovery in 1772 near Vilui, Siberia, of an intact frozen woolly rhinoceros, which was followed by the more famous discovery of a frozen mammoth in 1787. You may be shocked, but these discoveries of frozen animals with grass still in their stomachs set in motion these […]

Britain Buried in Snow Thanks to Global Warming & No Food?

The British Government forecasters have issued the first red snow warning in five years as the UK braces for potentially the worst blizzard in more than 50 years. Britain has seen as much snow as the Bizzard of 1962 and of course, they are blaming Global Warming. If it gets hot it is caused by man. […]

When Did Global Warming Theory Begin?

Back in 1967, the International Global Atmospheric Research Program was established, mainly to gather data for better short-range weather prediction, but included climate. The following year, this was the beginning of biased studies which suggested that a possibility of a collapse of the Antarctic ice sheets would raise sea levels catastrophically. They put forth the idea that […]

Draghi Admits He Cannot Stop Buying Gov’t Debt

Draghi has realized that he has singlehandedly destroyed the European bond market. Besides the fact that it is illegal to short government bonds, he has come face to face with the stark reality that IF the ECB stops buying government bonds, there will be NO BID at these price levels. Interest rates will skyrocket dramatically. On […]

Climate Change Conspiracy Against us All

800,000-year Ice-Core Records of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2) QUESTION: Are you saying that CO2 is not a pollutant and we should not be concerned about rising levels? OD ANSWER: Correct. CO2 levels have been much higher than currently over the millennia. The Global Warming crowd has an agenda and the core of that is to reduce the […]