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The Real Threats of 2014

We are facing 2014 perhaps with blinders on as a society. Western investors have largely ignored the trend in Europe, Japan, and China and are more likely than not going to be dramatically surprised. In Chine, the high in the Shanghai market remains 2007 and new lows are still possible going into 2014. The cash […]

Diamonds the New International Money?

  Everyone has heard that the diamond industry is a monopoly controlled by the De Beers Family of Companies. That perception has been the standard response because they in fact had such a monopoly beginning in the mid-1800s. That actually came to an end in 2000. There has never been a commodity exchange for diamonds […]

Advice to Europe

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Happy New Year 2014. Please keep up the fantastic work you are doing for all of us! It is a blessing that there are people like you, when in Europe we are cursed with hopeless politicians as Hollande and a Marxist IMF boss. One question, you wrote the following in one of […]

History Repeats – Even for Popes

It is being reported that millionaires are now starting to curb their donations to the Catholic Church because of the Pope’s Marxist views that are clearly anti Capitalism and freedom. Unfortunately, those in religion never understand that there is a difference between equal right and equal wealth. What Pope Francis has said is dead wrong, […]

The Coming 2014 Expropriation of 10% of Everyone’s Accounts

Anyone who thinks it is a fantasy that government will simply just confiscate 10% of everyone’s accounts in Europe better have another look at the fool they see in the mirror staring back at them. This IMF solution is traditionally French and is really coming because the people in charge are effectively Marxists and this […]


  The Roman god Janus is who January is named after. He is pictured with one face looking backwards and the other forward in time. He was the tradition of New Years Eve looking at the past and being optimistic of the new year to come. In that sense, he was all about cycles and […]

The Coming French Revolution?

They do not intentionally need to destroy the economy, they are doing a great job on their own without even trying. The French Constitutional Court has approved Hollande’s 75% tax on all people earning more than 1 million euros. They just do not understand the economy and never will. Those who are so desperate to […]

Simply Running A Correlation On One Theory Produces False Positives

The study of Professor Miles Corak is being used to justify more Socialism to support the argument as proof positive that the American Dream has failed. The American Dream has been defined as economic freedom and in this light it is rooted in Adam Smith and Laissez-faire  economics. It is essentially Equality of Opportunity that remains as the […]

History of Dow Jones

1882-1902 The founding of Dow Jones was established by Charles Dow, Edward Jones and Charles Bergstresser who over two decades conceive and commence three products which define Dow Jones and financial journalism: The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones Newswires and the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The founders state their commitment to excellence in the Journal’s […]

Model Design – Hey Look at This!

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I believe reading between the lines, you discovered something incredibly important yet everyone looks at you in the wrong way as if this is all some theory you began with in the traditional manner. Things like random walk are theories to justify someone who could not discover anything so they created a […]