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Gov’t To Aggressively Attack Small Business in 2021

  Now that the Deep State has successfully carried out their coup to remove Trump ensuring even the Supreme Court has buckled under to the Deep State and abandoned the Constitution. Every Justice takes an oath to defend the Constitution yet they are able to ignore it claiming “discretion” to decide to defend it or […]

Countries who take the Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine Have Lowest Cases of COVID!

COMMENT: Dear Martin Armstrong It seems to me that if a country has Malaria problems it apparently also has a very low number of Covid19 cases. I think the explanation is Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine which are used as a prophylactic. Can any such link be found in all your statistics? Thank you very much for […]

Is there Hope?

QUESTION: Hey Martin – I love the insights you have and Socrates seems to be spot on about most things. It’s just hard to read your blog posts. It seems like we all will have no choice but to submit to Communism 3.0. How do we fight this? You say they will lose in the […]

Is a 3rd Party Inevitable?

  Not one major news outlet carried Trump’s address on the fraud in the election. Every outlet swears there is no evidence of fraud as if they are even believable anymore. Trump expanded the base for the Republicans which included African Americans who saw through the propaganda as did Hispanics. Trump proved that lowering taxes […]

Breaking the Bonds of Civilization

COMMENT: A real story in reference to masks and psychological damage. My wife and I moved to a small town 140 miles west of Richmond, VA one year ago. Your real estate model, the changes in attitude in larger cities, and the allure of the mountains all were incorporated into the decision. When you move […]

Are Masks & Social Distancing Creating Permanent Psychological Damage?

  I have received a number of emails pro and con masks. Plain and simple, masks will not prevent you from getting COVID-19. Even Saint Fauci, who the world seems to trust beyond Jesus, Buddha, or Muhammad, has admitted that he has even lied about herd immunity to try to manipulate society to get the […]

I agree with AOC – Really!

I just wanted to say that I agree with AOC. What she is explaining and what Trump has objected to, people stuff all sorts of things in a bill they assumed they must pass because of its name. As AOC explains, it was over 5,000 pages and they were given 2 hours to review it. […]

Do as I Command – Not as I Do!

The Senate on Monday night approved a $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief bill and sent it to President Trump for his signature. The legislation — which follows the passage in the House — authorizes $600 stimulus checks for people who earn less than $75,000 per year and an extra $600 payment per child. A $600 check will not pay […]

Market Talk – December 23, 2020

NOTE: We wish our readers a happy and healthy holiday season. Due to decreased market activity, and some well deserved time off, we will suspend Market Talk until January 4, 2021. Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to providing you with Market Talk blog postings again in the new year! ASIA: China […]

The 2020 Census – Counting Illegal Aliens

The Supreme Court dismissed a premature challenge to President Donald Trump’s plan to exclude people living in the country illegally from the population count used to allot state seats in the House of Representatives. The Democrats want even illegal aliens to be counted, despite the fact that they legally cannot vote. Here is the government […]