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What Can We Do?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong;  You don’t sell advertising and you do not require emails to view your site. I listened to your interview and you said you do this as a public service. I think you seem to have the only honest site that shows what is happening globally. Do you think we can beat these […]

Market Talk – November 19, 2020

ASIA: The Chinese government issued debt at a negative interest rate for the first time on Wednesday in a bond sale that attracted significant investor interest, according to Deutsche Bank (DB), one of the banks that helped arrange the transaction. Faced with ever lower interest rates at home, European investors snapped up the bulk of […]

Market Talk – November 18, 2020

ASIA: China has declared Australia must take the blame for “a sharp downturn” in relations between the two countries, with a Foreign Ministry spokesman saying all responsibility is on “some people in Australia (who) tend to regard China’s development as a threat.” Relations between Australia and China have been frosty for years, but the situation […]

Market Talk – November 17, 2020

ASIA: A survey by IHS Markit in late October of more than 6,600 companies in 12 countries found that companies in China reported the highest recovery rate from the coronavirus pandemic, followed by those in the US. US According to the latest available data from the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, multinationals’ majority-owned affiliates in […]

Just Hold On

  A ton of emails are coming in from holding dollars by Europeans to is it time to move assets to China. As long as Trump does not concede which is really a surrender in military terms which this transition of power really is based upon, then the game is still afoot. The object is […]

Market Talk – November 16, 2020

ASIA: US President-elect Joe Biden is expected to maintain a hard line on most matters, including export restrictions to Huawei. However, he will probably enlist more support from international allies and maintain more consistent policies than the ones Trump sometimes announced, and rescinded, via tweet, China watchers say. Some China watchers express skepticism that enlisting […]

Market Talk – November 13, 2020

ASIA: China has extended congratulations to the US president-elect, Joe Biden, becoming one of the last countries to acknowledge his electoral victory over Donald Trump. On Friday, nearly a week after Biden was declared the winner, foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin commended the Democratic candidate and his running mate, Kamala Harris. Indian states are expected […]

Market Talk – November 12, 2020

ASIA: China’s two biggest vaccine companies have already begun inoculating hundreds of thousands of mostly state workers in a bid to get a head start. But deploying unproven vaccines carries huge risks – both for those receiving the vaccination and epidemic control efforts. The major worry is that vaccinations will give people who’ve had them […]

Market Talk – November 11, 2020

ASIA: China has proposed new regulations aimed at curbing the power of its biggest internet companies. The new rules could affect homegrown tech giants like Alibaba, Ant Group, and Tencent, as well as food delivery platform Meituan. Chinese tech shares were sharply lower after the proposed regulations were released on Tuesday. The ongoing India-China border […]

Cashless World Signals a Global End to Privacy

  Countries are moving to digital currencies at lightning speed. This is the future of money. Digital currencies will replace cash on an ASAP agenda. We are witnessing Europe, Canada, Asia, and even China all moving toward this new digital world for (1) total control, (2) taxes, (3) to track everyone and every transaction. We […]