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Fed Meeting Tomorrow

The employment and growth data have improved since the last Fed meeting in October, and Congress has reached a two-year budget deal that takes them right up to 9/30/2015 perfectly in line with the ECM peak at 2015.75. Our target date has been published for years and is a straight mathematical formula. The precise day […]

The Euro & Dollar – the Essence of Chaos

Nothing has changed with the Euro v the dollar. We are waiting for the turn in 2014 and that remains in place. In order to set the stage for the worst of the worst, we need to move to extremes in both directions. Economically, Europe is a disaster. You typically have the currency rise in […]

Gold Promoters Are Part of the Manipulation Against Investors

I have gotten a lot of emails asking who is who in trying to deliberately mislead investors. Let me state this up front. There are plenty of “shills” out there who are paid to put out bullshit to whip the public into a buying frenzy so the pros can sell the highs. EVERY manipulation I […]


QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong. Does deflation  accompany hoarding of cash and the velocity you speak of declines? Is this the trait that you write about and part of the reason gold has declined? ANSWER: People simply save money in times of uncertainty. This is one aspect we have to watch with the turning up of the […]

Why Is the Dow Vulnerable To A Correction?

I previously warned that there was a possibility that November would produce the breakout in nominal terms, but there was still a risk that we may decline into Jan/Feb to retest support first. This type of pattern would warn of a Cycle Inversion and this is what I am concerned about. The main Global Correlation […]

Money & The Two-Tier Digital Monetary System

The Gold Promoters have so poisoned the well with nonsense that has been tried countless times before and failed, that their insistence upon tangible money is seriously disrupting the ultimate resolution of our critical economic illness. I have explained that even making money gold coins will not prevent it from being a fiat currency. Coinage […]

Coming Digital Cashless Unbacked Monetary System

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have been following you for a few years now and am impressed with your historical perspective in all areas of finance. We are currently in some interesting times indeed.   I see so many bloggers stating that there is going to be either an outright gold standard, or some form thereof. I […]

Special Report on Real Estate & Equities

QUESTION: Hi Mr Armstrong. I’m very concerned that one of my sons here in Australia is deep into debt investing in domestic real-estate.  I’ve tried to caution him but it appears he may have to learn the hard way.  All I can do now is try to convince him to sell at least some of […]

Unfunded Pensions Are Our Doom

The standard pension systems of governments from Europe to the States are all the same. They have assumed that taxes would be an endless pit. They have promised pensions to people and never funded them. Anyone in the private sector would go to jail for creating such schemes. Historically, the people rise up when they […]

Breakup of Great Britain – 309 Year Cycle

  Medal of Queen Ann Celebrating the Union of England and Scotland 1707 QUESTION:  Dear Mr Armstrong, It’s great to read you blog and get an insight as to the way the world is heading and why. One thing I noticed was your 309 year cycle and wondered if that would have any reflection on […]