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Pelosi Gone! AOC is in a tissy! Conservative Democrats Just May Spoil the Party

The polls in Congress show the overwhelming rejection of Pelosi to remain as speaker of the House. Her approval rating among politicians is 31% at best. Even the left-wing Politico is reporting what has been the talk behind the curtain.  I have warned that the Democrats are ripe to split. The Conservative Democrats, who are […]

Market Talk – December 22, 2020

ASIA: Following a US announcement of new visa restrictions on Chinese officials, China hit back with reciprocal actions Tuesday against unnamed American officials in the latest back-and-forth. The Foreign Ministry also called on President Donald Trump not to sign into law legislation approved by Congress on Tibet. The visa action came in response to a […]

Now They Censor Anyone Explaining the Great Reset of Schwab

What Is The Great Reset? Explaining the World Economic Forum’s Controversial Initiative. YouTube has censored anything explaining what Agenda 2030 is all about. These individuals are part of the conspiracy to end capitalism, and they are now advocating Communism 3.0 intermixed with Feudalism. First, it was COVID, then Trump; now it is anything that […]

Market Talk – December 21, 2020

ASIA: Chinese leaders who attended the Central Economic Work Conference from Dec. 16 to 18 were buoyant about China’s relative successes, while remaining cautious on major changes to stimulus policies, CNBC reported according to state media. The annual gathering sets development priorities for the upcoming year. Analysts who followed the meeting said it provided little […]

2020 coup d’etat

‘ QUESTION: Martin, I agree with the following historic comments you’ve said over the past few weeks…  This election was the most corrupt in our country’s history.  The establishment is getting away with this fraud because the courts are compromised including SCOTUS.  We will likely never have another fair election. I’ll bet Trump agrees with […]

Masquerade – the Real Face of Washington

  I reported previously that John McCain had been the one that released the fake dossier that Hillary paid for to try to discredit Trump which began the entire RussiaGate investigation. That information has now been recently released by the FBI.  As I have reported, about 50% of the Republicans were against Trump because he […]

Why this Manufactured Crisis?

  COMMENTS ON MASKS: Why, when wearing a mask, your oral health could lead to short term memory loss and eventually dementia. By masking the problem we’re just making it a whole lot worse for everybody, one edict at a time. RB   REPLY: The real intent is to keep the people from mounting […]

The Supreme Court Denies Rumors but not the Substance

The Supreme Court has come out and made a statement denying that Chief Justice Roberts screamed in a room because they met by phone. This shows that they have been monitoring the comments since they denied the Texas lawsuit when there was no justification for “discretion” to deny taking the case. This is like asking […]

Supreme Court Yields to Deep State & Loses all its Integrity

Sidney Powell’s filings at the Supreme Court for Georgia and Michigan were given a response date of January 14th which means they then claim it is untimely and Biden will be sworn in on the 20th. Once again they are using procedures to avoid the issues raised and are now protecting the Deep State. Meanwhile, […]

The Electoral Votes

QUESTION: What do you mean that the electoral votes could change on the 6 of Jan? FP ANSWER: In three of the seven states in question—Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—Republicans currently control the state legislatures while Democrats hold the governor’s mansions. In New Mexico and Nevada, Democrats control both. In Georgia and Arizona, Republicans control both. […]