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Superbowl LII – Can a Model Ever Be Created?

  Well, Superbowl 52 is here and it promises to be the coldest one ever – no doubt caused by Global Warming.  Since Superbowls began in 1967, we are setting a new record. My daughter told many people at the conference how I had just flown back from Europe and she was in the hospital just […]

Socrates Opening Soon

QUESTION: Firstly, I must say that I concede. I have followed you very carefully since 2011, initially a skeptic but intrigued by the TIME aspect ( which I always suspected was important alas why I always place time-based stops rather than purely price). My approach was very non-scientific compared to your marvel. … and a true […]

Cracking the Bull Market? Or Setting the Stage?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I have followed you since the 1980s. I have never known you to ever miss an event like today. Thank you for showing the world how everything really is connected. Your system is truly amazing. DK REPLY: It is very gratifying that people are becoming students of the market. If we grasp […]

2017 WEC Q&A Session with Michael Campbell

Michael Campbell of "MoneyTalks Radio"  sits down with Martin Armstrong for a candid discussion on the future of the global economy going into 2018.

Topics include:

Day 1
1)Public vs Private Wave   2)Bond Market & Interest Rates    3)Rise in the Dollar    4) Global Shifts in Economic Confidence

Day 2
1)Turning Point Factors   2)Interpreting the Panic Cycle    3) Markets in 2018    4) Pensions & Property Taxes 5)New Reserve Currency 6) The Coming Phase Transition

RUNTIME: 01:54:20


The Third & Fourth Reversal

Many have asked for some clarification on the Reversal System and how we use it to ascertain changes in real trend. As stated previously, trend changes ONLY on the Monthly Level of time. The Daily and Weekly levels are the noise. This is where most people lose their money trading because a correction may appear […]

Why are We All So Confused?

The three major distinctions in following what we do boils down to Multidimensional analysis merged with TIME and then PRICE. The Arrays give us a good sense of TIME where things come into the window of possibility. Understanding that we are dealing with TURNING POINTS and not specific events is critical. For example, the three major turning […]

The Dow Down & Dirty

COMMENT: OK Mr. Armstrong. Looks like the government was right. You come out and said the Dow reached a turning point and it crashes. You posted: “In the US Share Market, this is now a turning point we have reached. I have warned for months that exceeding the November high would lead to a January high.” You […]


Martin Armstrong’s Media Appearances If you are interested in arranging an interview with Martin Armstrong, please fill out our “Contact” form located on the homepage and select “I have a question about media engagement and/or an interview request.” 2023 World War Zee: Maria Zeee – Martin Armstrong – Interview with Maria Zeee (10/27/23) World War […]

Q&A with Michael Campbell of “MoneyTalks” Radio

Special Q&A Discussion with Martin Armstrong and moderator Michael Campbell of “MONEYTALKS RADIO” spanning two days at the 2017 World Economic Conference. Topics include: Day 1 Public vs Private Wave Bond Market & Interest Rates Rise in the Dollar Global Shifts in Economic Confidence Day 2 Turning Point Factors Interpreting the Panic Cycle Numbers To […]

The Revenge of Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What is the catch? Why do you do everything you do with no charge. What is the hook? Nobody does something for nothing. ANSWER: I get that question often. First I am paying back all the support everyone has shown to me and my family. Secondly; It is my greatest revenge against […]