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Death Always Creeps in From the Periphery of an Organism

QUESTION: Hi Marty, It seems that one can look at the periphery of an organism and it highlights its future. The sub-prime mortgage crisis that preceded the Global Financial Crisis being a case-in-point. And, dare I say it, Greece preceding what is to come in Europe. This made me wonder if the Chernobyl-like decay of […]

The Tree has been Cut – Electronic Money Will Force an Underground Economy based on Barter

QUESTION:  Martin, I’m trying to wrap my head around a couple of things… One of your recent blog entries mentioned, “The role of the metals will be as an alternative currency to ELECTRONIC when they terminate “printing” paper money,” and “The only real role for gold will be as an alternative currency not to the […]

Computer Intelligence – Judging People

QUESTION: Martin, I am absolutely fascinated with the work that you have done in the field of computers.  I am in “Business Intelligence” and we have a difficult enough time trying to forecast demand for products.   Your work and foresights are astonishing.  I could only wish that I could sit under your training for a month!  […]

AI programming techniques

QUESTION:  Martin – I have followed your work since I was in college (circa 2008) and am quite interested in the accuracy of your predictions. As a computer science enthusiast, currently working in the development field, I am most interested in your AI computer model of the economy. Could you elaborate on some of the […]

Congressional Hearings on BitCoin

On Monday, Congress held its first congressional hearing on virtual currencies focusing on bitcoin. As Congress discussed bitcoin, the price of one bitcoin soared to more than $750 apiece. Overlooked was the concern focused on anonymity and lack of regulation. Personally, it is hard to imagine a world where they will allow bitcoin to survive when they […]

Gold & the 1974 Memo

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your valued forecasting and the clarity that you add to deciphering the cyclical nature of those things which govern our world. I am always amused by the arguments surrounding GOLD raised here and on other sites. I tend to hold around 10% of my portfolio in precious metals and […]

Trying to Outlaw Speculation

In Switzerland, it is a far more democratic process than in the USA. You need 100,000 signatures to create a proposition to alter the Constitution that then is put to a general vote for the people. What is going on is that the Socialists have gathered about 130,000 signatures to ban speculation in commodities. We […]

Collector’s Market & Gov’t Aggressiveness

QUESTION: In regards to your recent collector’s market comments, are you saying that the collector’s  markets that have international backing will perform or outperform other sectors on a return on capital basis? Whereas the domestic collector’s market , like Morgan dollars, will under-perform,  if not be crushed by the contracting disposable income (deflation) in the […]

Feinstein Response

Thank you for sending me your electronic mail message. I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Because of the volume of e-mail that is received by my office, we can only respond to email that includes a California postal address. Please resend the text of your e-mail message, including your […]

They are Calling it a Collapse in Capitaism

The view of the American budget crisis from outside the USA is one that is blaming Wall Street and the banks and calling for the next crisis to be the final meltdown of Capitalism. This view is rising around the world. The fact that it is just pushed off into January with the funding ending […]