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Electoral College Challenges are Routine

QUESTION: How can you support Trump when he tried to overturn electoral college votes? That’s illegal and tyrannical. WG ANSWER: You are speaking out of your hatred for Trump. You should have looked at the issues rather than the people. This is not about Trump and you have just been manipulated into hating Trump so […]

Politics – It’s Over – Finally?

Can Trump still win with lawsuits or invoking the fraud provisions of the Executive Order of 2018? I am not trying to give anyone false hope. Many people have written in because they do not understand the system. The overseas readers seem to be upset the most for they were hoping for Trump to stand […]

The Chaos of Politics – Economy – Markets

QUESTION: Socrates forecast that the Democrats were declining in the combined house and senate. That seems to be correct given the sharp losses in the house for the democrats. The presidential election seems to have turned on just four cities, Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta. Even assuming the vote was real, it looks like your trend […]

Market Talk – December 15, 2020

ASIA: China’s economic recovery broadened in November as both retail sales and industrial production growth accelerated, data released on Tuesday showed. Retail sales, a key indicator of consumption trends in the world’s most populous nation, grew by 5.0 percent from a year earlier, marking the fourth successive month of expansion. The November growth rate was […]

The Strange Election Looking Forward

Our computer forecast that this would be a sharp rise in voter turnout. The turnout for this 2020 election shattered previous highs, including 2008 when Barack Obama defeated John McCain, 1960 when John F. Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon, and 1908 when William Howard Taft defeated William Jennings Bryan reaching 66.2%. That came out to just […]

What About Fake News?

The question dealing with the press is not something new. Matthew Lyon was the first person to be put on trial for violating the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, after publishing criticism of President John Adams. The Sedition Act of 1798 criminalized the “writing, printing, uttering or publishing [of] any false, scandalous and malicious […]

The Electoral College Vote – A Time for Skills

Now that the Electoral College has voted for Biden, this is what makes him “president elect” not CNN. Unless Trump acts on the Executive Order where the agencies must submit a report stating that the election has been compromised. That would then allow Trump to freeze everything. But I see this as a long-shot. It […]

Electoral College Voting

Republican electors in Georgia and Pennsylvania have cast votes in the Electoral College for President Trump in an effort to overturn Joseph R. Biden. But that was just not enough. This will leave this matter now to the courts and if the Supreme Court will Act on the Powell and other suits that have standing. […]

Market Talk – December 14, 2020

ASIA: Despite claims of an economic recovery, Chinese state-owned companies are defaulting on their debts. A string of missed debt repayments by major firms has shaken local as well as global markets. State firms defaulted on a record $6.1 billion worth of bonds between January and October, according to Fitch Ratings. That’s about as much […]

Open Your Eyes – Corruption Surrounds You

COMMENT: So now something that has been on the books for 95 years is suddenly a problem and UNCONSTITUTIONAL? So now it`s unfair to 1 man who in 4 years his only major accomplishment was to pass a tax break that the bulk of the tax break only benefited the top 1% ? In which […]