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Putin & The Mouse that Roared?

  Putin’s hardball with the USA is paying off. His popularity has hit 82% in Russia – the envy of any Western politician. The attitude in Russia is that they have been kicked around and now it is time to kick-back. Economically speaking, taking Eastern Ukraine is no prize. There is no real economy to […]

Banks Close in Donetsk – A Lesson for the Rest of Us

What is happening in Donetsk is by the classic book on how to wipe out an economy. The banking system has shut down. The banks simply have said it is too dangerous for their staff to work. The only way to get any money is using a bank card but that will soon run out. Ukraine’s […]

The Sad Part of the Ukrainian Revolution

The Ukrainian soldiers have nothing. People were donating money to support them. However, the West’s injection of career politicians only replaced the head – Yanukovich. What is going on now is the corruption the people were revolting against is still in place. The people may have won the battle, but they did not win their […]

Complexity in Trends

COMMENT:  Marty, This is a European reply to the Ukraine / CIA coup etc. discussion. For me, you now hit the nail on the head for we are experiencing both: revolutions AND coups ! Yes, there is global uprising by people against their corrupt government. By the way this is happening in every country, if you […]

Conspiracy – Or Just One Step at a Time?

QUESTION: You say there was no CIA plot in Ukraine and I can see that not even Britain was willing to send troops to Ukraine because of this popular story of a CIA instigated revolution. The feeling in Europe is precisely that. To defend Ukraine would be another Iraq and America cannot be trusted. Whilst […]

The Ukrainian Joke about the CIA

  The story about the CIA conspiracy is seen in Ukraine as Russian propaganda to disarm any support for the Ukrainian Revolution. In the West, the conspiracy people have loved this CIA plot and they have been seen as the pawns of Russia from the Ukrainian point of view. Here is the joke about the […]

Propaganda & Children – Always the First Target of Leaders

Government always seek to use propaganda to alter the views of children. They are doing this with global warming in American schools. As war approaches, this introduces new influences to inject into the minds of children. NO government is exempt from this practice. Tin Russia, they are using the alphabet in an attempt to turn […]

Lagarde’s IMF should be Outlawed – the Real Terrorist Organization

How does a lawyer get in charge of an economic institution? Easy – another lawyer appoints her. Lagarde, Obama’s crony, should be stripped of her position and the IMF should be shut down. Lagarde’s IMF is now demanding that Ukraine must hold on to the Eastern provinces of Ukraine or this insane woman has dictated that […]

Update on Crimea

Yalta – Crimea – Resort The summer season in Crimea is now opening. Here are photos of the main Crimean resorts now (Yalta, Alushta, Ordzhokinidze, Sudak, Kerch etc). All of them are empty. No tourists and NO RESIDENTS. What was a vital resort is vacant this season. Moreover, Russian residents are not allowed to drive through […]

How far in the future does your computer model project?

QUESTION: How far in the future does your computer model project? ANSWER: One of the fascinating aspects about modeling the world economy is you rapidly discover that the complexity is enormous, yet the outcome is far more predictable Long-Term than Short-Term. This may seem illogical at first, but once you comprehend the dynamics of the system […]