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The CIA Ability to Hack the Vote

  I have independent sources that have long confirmed that this is absolutely spot on. This is something neither Russia nor China could do because they lack the infrastructure that the CIA/NSA has established with taps directly into the trunk lines for communications. Moreover, that was also confirmed by the documents released by Snowden. It […]

They are Desperate to Steal the Election from Trump as Europe Goes 100% into the Great Reset

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Amstrong, Even in The Netherlands, the agenda is out in the open. This article states that only another COVID-19 lockdown makes it possible to reach some of those 2020 climate goals. What a coincidence: a few days later they are telling us the partial lockdown is expanded and extended, probably for the rest […]

Elections Are Won by Those Who Count Votes – not by those who Vote

QUESTION: You have said this will be the most corrupt election in history. Do you care to elaborate on that? HC ANSWER: We may not know for some time. But the real threat will be not that China or Russia hack into the election, for both understand what is at stake. They would want Trump […]

Market Talk – November 2, 2020

ASIA: Australia’s former ambassador to China, Geoff Raby, has warned Australia is likely to keep suffering economic harm from “repeated rounds of Chinese economic coercion,” and needs to find a way to reset the relationship. He said Seafood exporters are the latest industry group to report disruptions in accessing the Chinese market, and thus Australia […]

Saint Malachy Prophecy & End of Times in All Religions

COMMENT: Dear Marty Pope Francis is not the last pope Saint Malachy predicted as he shared one Pope office time with Benedict Unique in history). So it is as well very important that in Johns Revelations there is a chapter on the decline of the catholic church. Even more interesting are Marias prophecies in Fatima […]

Market Talk – October 30, 2020

ASIA: China’s gasoline demand could hit a peak around 2027, according to a new report from Goldman Sachs. Demand could fall by around 6 percent from that peak by 2030. However, Goldman Sachs does not see crude oil demand hitting a peak this decade, “due to sustained non-OECD economic growth.” In the next five years, […]

Hunter Biden & the Plot to Cover it All Up

QUESTION: You have been silent on the Hunter Biden story. Would you care to comment sometime? DN ANSWER: I try to be cautious because this is the most corrupt election in history. I was skeptical because about two months before there was sent to me a 64-page document that was claiming a connection of Joe […]

Is Europe Deliberately Crushing their Economy for the Great Reset?

COMMENT #1 (France): What the hell is going on?! This is so frustrating. I want, no, NEED someone to shed some real, unbiased light on this. Do you have some available? K COMMENT#2 (Spain): Hi Marty, Hope you’re ok. Jealous of you being in Florida!! (Assuming it’s still relatively sane over there.) As you will […]

Market Talk – October 29, 2020

  ASIA: Chinese leaders met Monday to formulate an economic blueprint for the next five years that is expected to emphasize the development of semiconductors and other technology at a time when US is cutting off access to US technology. President Xi Jinping’s government is working to promote self-sustaining growth supported by domestic consumer spending […]

Schwab & Soros Destruction of Western Culture

QUESTION: Dear Martin/AE team Thank you for your and/or your incredible team’s replies to my questions. I understand how incredibly busy you all are, and I am so grateful for your insights. I’m trying with your help to figure out what’s happening! Your work confirms that the rise and fall of great civilizations is a […]