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Quantum Encryption even NSA Cannot Break!

Quantum Encryption is a dream that is rapidly coming true (University of Science and Technology China). At this level, it can make data secure and virtually impossible to hack. This will put the NSA back to the stone age where they belong. Crimes will have to be solved the old fashion way instead of hacking someone’s cell phone to figure out where their […]

It’s The Impeachment That Would Tank the Market

We have now reached the point where a pause in the uptrend of the US Share Markets comes into position. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has been an elitist out for Trump’s head from the beginning. He was even trying to throw his hat in the ring to be President and took personal offense that an outsider […]

Argentina – The Continued Shift to Private Assets

  COMMENT: Greetings from Argentina. Merval Argentina indexed doubled since new president Macri started in Dic 2015. Any comments about Latin America – South Cone? You never mention this part of the globe. Thank you I am a long time reader.   REPLY: The Merval is covered on Socrates. Nevertheless, if this market breaks through […]

Trading by Systems

QUESTION: Can you trade with the Global Market Watch? Does experience count right now with what you call a Vertical Market? DS ANSWER: No. It is an alert to wake you up, not a trading tool. It will alert you to breakouts, waterfalls, highs, or lows. It is not a 100%. It is far better […]

The Yield Curve

QUESTION: At the Institutional WEC session in 2016, you forecast that rates would rise but that the long-end would produce a positive yield for the next two years at least. Are we coming to an end of that forecast? ANSWER: The new Institutional service is being expanded currently. Our hedging model positions have been added […]

Alaska Hit by 7.9 Earthquake – The Start of a more Active Period lies Ahead

A 7.9 earthquake just struck off the coast of Alaska. There have been 12 major earthquakes greater than 7.0 since 1906. The 1964 earthquake was one of the biggest ever in North America measuring 9.2. The real significance of this event today is the fact that the Ring of Fire in the Pacific has 10 […]

The Hunt for Taxes Brings Down Governments Every Time

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I live in Germany. I wanted to send my father €200 for Christmas. I had to prove where the money came from. It does seem as if there is a major gap between those trading the euro for big banks and the people. I left Romania for freedom. Everything that I fled from […]

The Precision of Markets is Beyond Belief – But It is Why The Majority is Always Wrong

COMMENT: Marty; I really do not know how anyone cannot recognize what you have discovered. The euro began its breakout precisely on your target of the ECM on November 24 last year. You have proven beyond a doubt that there is a hidden order to everything if we care to just look. My hat is […]

Is Climate Change a Tool to Eliminate Democracy?

COMMENT: Your view on denying climate change is supporting the capitalist model. This shows you have no credibility. OD REPLY: Climate is changing and it is part of the normal cycle – not human-induced. You are actually correct that I support capitalism and freedom and am against authoritarianism and totalitarian systems. What you fail to […]

Just How Fast Can Things Freeze?

When the weather goes against Global Warming, they flip it into volatility and claim cold is now the byproduct of Global Warming. Al Gore’s environmental group, Penn State University climate scientist Michael Mann wrote, “the unusual weather we’re seeing this winter is in no way evidence against climate change,” it’s “an example of precisely the […]