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Market Talk – April 30, 2019

ASIA: China today sentences a second Canadian to death for drug smuggling, earlier in the year the two countries had a tense relationship due to the handover of Huawei’s CEO daughter to the US. Washington commented on the Chinese Belt and Road initiative as a huge strategic mistake by allowing China to be at the […]

The Tax Rebellion of 1197 & the state began Robbing Tombs

QUESTION: You have written about the collapse of the Byzantine monetary system. I also believe it fell to the Europeans in 1204 and the story was that the Germans were being aggressive back then demanding tribute. Was this also another monetary crisis at that time? Thank you JY Alexius III AV Hyperpyron ANSWER: Yes, there was […]

Banning Films & Corruption

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Like many of your readers, I have been unable to watch “The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes” for months because of its ban here in the US. Today, I was finally able to watch it at the following link. Not sure how long it will be up but I thought I […]

Market Talk – April 24, 2019

ASIA: The North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visits Russia for the first time near the city of Vladivostok. Talks are due to commence tomorrow between the two nations as Russia wishes to discuss North Korea’s nuclear problem. This, along with continued efforts to engage with China, is a continued effort for North Korea to hedge […]

German Car Sales Collapse

COMMENT: I am a senior exec here in the German auto industry. I attended your Berlin conference. I just want to say your ECM is remarkable. Our industry has seen a decline in auto sales since the middle of 2018 right on schedule. It looks like it will be a hard landing here. This Brexit […]

Are Two-Tier Monetary Systems a Possible Tool?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It seems few people even understand that there have been two-tier monetary systems. Do you think this can be a possible tool in the currency crisis you are forecasting for 2021? Thank you; Looking forward to Rome and meeting Mr, Farage as well PC ANSWER: Various countries used to mint trade dollars […]

The Consequence of War that Led to the German Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Everyone has a chart of the German DAX postwar. I have never seen a chart of the German stock market before the war. Do you have any? HVS ANSWER: Yes. However, you must understand that because the world was on a gold standard, the arbitrage volatility was reflected in the bond and share markets […]

Suicide Rate Doubles in France Among Police

The Yellow Vest movement is turning into a major confrontation demanding Macrone leave office. The French police are now protesting after 28 officers have committed suicide so far in 2019. This is double the amount recorded at the same time last year. While the press tends to focus on complaints of a lack of resources, unpaid […]

Could Raising Taxes Save Government?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, [Analyst} recently …. raise[d] the alarm that the US is headed towards a very bad debt crisis. During an interesting part of the segment, he was asked if the rich should pay higher taxes, and he said “of course”, but he clarifies that what really matters is whether the tax dollars are […]

Do Border Walls Work?

COMMENT: Skeptics who believe a border wall will not stop illegals from entering the United States may want to look at what’s happening in Hungary. On the day its border fence was completed, the influx of illegals entering Hungary went down from 6,353 per day to 870 the next day. For the remainder of that month, […]