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Market Talk – October 28, 2020

ASIA: Some Chinese banks have phased out the use of the “counter-cyclical” factor in the pricing mechanism of the yuan’s central parity rate against the greenback, according to the China Foreign Exchange Trade System (CFETS). Market-making banks have made the move on their own initiative based on their judgment of economic fundamentals and market situations, […]

Market Talk – October 27, 2020

ASIA: China appears to have comprehensively lost the international battle for hearts and minds over its handling of coronavirus with most people believing it was responsible for the start of the outbreak and was not transparent about the problem at the outset. The findings come from the YouGov-Cambridge Globalism Project, a survey of 26,000 people […]

This is What Schwab is Creating

  COMMENT: I really do not know how Socrates has forecast this sort of civil unrest well in advance. I comprehend they need to stop people from listening to you. Please keep Socrates running. WM from Poland REPLY: I will try. They are also counting on other analysts to try to discourage people from relying […]

Market Talk – October 26, 2020

ASIA: China said Monday that it would impose sanctions on American companies — including Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Raytheon — that have been involved in selling weapons to Taiwan. Speaking at a press conference Monday, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lijian called on the United States to stop selling arms to the […]

Klaus Schwab is Planned on Taking your 401K

COMMENT: Hey Martin … Americans for the most part think everything forthcoming “sounds” good, and essentially stay blind to all the gory details of The Great Reset. I try to explain it to a few people and it’s difficult to get a worried response UNTIL I say THEY WILL CONFISCATE YOUR 401K !!   That does it, […]

Market Talk – October 23, 2020

ASIA: China has vowed to retaliate if the US proceeds with the sale of advanced weaponry to Taiwan worth more than a billion dollars, Fox news reported. The statement from China’s defense ministry gave no specifics, but the development marks a further deterioration in ties between Beijing and Washington that have hit their lowest ebb […]

The Last Debate

Well, this debate was much more professional. The moderator did a much better job and appeared to actually act like a journalist for once, not like the first debate. The question about Joe Biden’s corruption involving his son Hunter Biden’s overseas business deals came to the surface. Trump said: “Don’t give me this stuff about […]

Market Talk – October 22, 2020

ASIA: The United States government has labeled six more Chinese media companies operating in the US as foreign missions in the latest round of tit-for-tat between Beijing and Washington over restrictions on journalists. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the decision at a press briefing on Wednesday, saying that the six media companies were […]

Hunter’s Ex-Partner Confirms Joe Biden Took Money Sanctioned by Communist Party for Influence

  The Big-Tech and Mainstream Media refuse to report on the Hunter Biden saga claiming the emails were stolen or some other nonsense they do not apply when it comes to Trump. Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski who was the CEO of a firm with Hunter Biden, has now come forward to confirm […]

Ten of Thousands of Doctors Confirm this is a Hoax

  This conspiracy to rob us of all our freedoms and install Marxism by sheer force is just far beyond anything I would have ever imagined was possible. If they win, the next step will be to pull the plug of anyone who disagrees with their agenda so they will cut off all sites they […]