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TIME is more than Money – It is EVERYTHING

TIME is more than just money; it’s absolutely everything and then some! Personal opinion just utterly fails because we are all human. Markets routinely do what the majority never expects. That is their function. They mutate like a virus always changing its genetic code to defeat medicine, or in this case, traders. This why most […]

British Prosecutors Charging Hate Crimes for just saying “All right Geezer.”

The British government is also going completely nuts with criminal charges for nonsense. British prosecutors charged a woman for calling a man a “pussy”. Then there is the case of a businessman who was charged with a hate crime for saying to a transgender man presenting himself as a woman  – “all right geezer.” He alleged […]

Why Governments are Like an Ameba

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You may be called the legend because of your forecasts on so many levels, but it might also be because you have met with more governments than probably any economist or analyst. My question is simple. From your experience, do you believe you can prevent the economic carnage that is becoming […]

Snow in the Sahara Desert – 3rd Time in 37 years

Last year, the snow appeared in Spain wiping out the crops and causing rationing of vegetables. This year the snow went down even further and crossed into Algeria covering the desert. So while the Global Warming people are desperate to explain weather as caused by humans, we are ignoring the cycle of the sun which […]

Extreme Volatility in Weather – Part of Climate Change?

QUESTION: It is crazy hot here in Sydney the exact opposite of the extreme cold in the north. Is there an explanation at all for this? ANSWER:  Most people do not realize that the climate is actually “polar opposites” so historically when the North is dry, the South is wet or when the North is very cold […]

Climate Change – As if it was not Supposed to Change

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your computer has proven it can forecast markets, economies, the rise and fall of governments, war, and now even weather well in advance of anyone else. Is this bitter cold just a taste of what is to come? If so, I definitely think it is time to follow you south before you can’t […]

Ukraine & the Next Revolution

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I want to thank you for defending the Ukrainian people in their quest to overthrow the government corruption. You are a great inspiration here in Kiev. What does your model show for the success of our revolution looking ahead? PN ANSWER:  There are many in the West who know nothing of Ukraine […]

Will England Break-Up Not Just the United Kingdom

QUESTION: Hi Martin. In your recent blog posts, you talk about the possible timing of the break up of Britain but you talk about that in terms of the regionalisation or break up of England only. Have you not said before that Scotland is likely to become independent sometime in the next few years? Perhaps […]

Is BREXIT in Trouble? Can Britain Survive Past 2042-2044?

The REMAIN crowd is doing everything possible to surrender the sovereignty, dignity, and future of Britain. The left is taking hold in Britain calling anyone who wants to leave the EU is now openly called a “racist” and they are bashing anyone who even appears to be nationalist. While the British pound closed 2017 at […]

Solar Minimum The Fastest Decline in almost 10,000 Years

  QUESTION: Hi Marty ! Happy new year! Not written in a while, but wanted to ask a private question related to the forthcoming cold period. a) How long will it last? (It will start now and go into 2024 – when does Socrates say it will start to reverse and when will temperatures be […]