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Piketty – The Greatest Justification to Just Rob Anyone Who Has more Than You

We are seeing the most dangerous trend ever. There is an agenda behind the curtain and that is to sustain government at all costs and that includes everything you own. I have warned that either government will move toward a totalitarian state or to real democracy – real Athens style without the career politicians. The […]

Gold & the Black Market & $50,000

QUESTION: Martin, I’ve written you a few times and greatly appreciate the replies and posts on your blog. As I have mentioned before, I worked for a metals dealer that traded on margin and caught a substantial amount if heat for being a bear w silver at 50 and gold at 1900+. I shorted silver the […]

Currency Inflation & What Does That Mean.

A number of questions have come in about the precious metals and real estate along side the stock market. Precious metals have their place. As long as you trade them and not turn them into some conspiracy, they are a tradable market and you can buy or sell. It is just when people preach nonsense […]

Follow The Money

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Ok I get the point.  Massive deflation is what awaits us.  But how do you reconcile massive deflation with rises in assets prices?  Shouldn’t it be a decline as people hoard wealth and velocity declines even further? tb ANSWER: It is the same as in hyperinflation. If the currency collapses in confidence, people […]

Gov’t Has Lost All Power to Do Anything – The Void in Leadership

QUESTION:  Dear Mr Armstrong, I am in agreement with what you say about there being no overriding, controlling group in charge of things. However, with the politicians trying to federalise Europe through the back door and now seen to be failing, is it possible (or even likely) that they would now conspire to bring about […]

2013 August 7th What Was it? Nothing or a Watershed Shift?

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I have been reading almost all of your writings in the past 4-5 years.  I just wanted to clarify or dig a little bit deeper on your blog post today for the Dow and the ECM.  You noted that we must wait until the bottom of the ECM in September this […]

Weak Demand at Long-Term Treasury Auction

The Treasury Department saw the weakest demand since August 2011 in a sale of 30-year Treasury bonds today. The demand for long-term bonds that has driven interest rates well below the old benchmark of 8% has been the rise in demand for pensions. As the Baby-Boomers were getting closer to retirement, the bid for “safe” […]


On August 23,1935, Congress approved legislation that had a major impact on the Federal Reserve Banks, the Banking Act of 1935. This Act structurally altered forever the entire concept behind the Federal Reserve whereas its purpose originally was to provide stability with respect to internal capital flows in addition to a regulatory clearing house for […]

The Secret Agenda

During the late 1970s, I was chairman of the American Gold Council for one year. I had to fly around the USA and do a media tour. It taught me a lot about how it is done. You fly into a city and you do the newspapers, radio, and TV shows. You hop on the […]

Why Does Deflation Cause the Currency to Rise?

It has often been a paradox that the worse an economy turns down, the higher the currency rises. Cheer up – it is a bell curve. If the currency goes TOO FAR and the economy has no hope of survival, then it reverses and collapses into dust through the process of a Phase Transition. This […]