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Smartmatic – Gates – Microsoft

While the connection between Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic are constantly called fake, the nugget that should be investigated is to what extent any software from Smartmatic was used by Dominion Voting. Smartmatic began in Venezuela under the regime of Hugo Chavez. The company was founded by two Venezuelans and the company was at least […]

Digital Dollar & Civil War

QUESTION #1:  Hi – Martins blog post on the plan of canceling the currency Jan. 1st 2021 is very disturbing. Could he please clarify if that is indeed the plan and if it includes the USA. It is not entirely clear. Tks C ANSWER #1: The Democrats have been trying desperately to join the World […]

Questions Presented

QUESTION #1: Mr. Armstrong; I have been following you for some time and recently subscribed to Socrates. I have a question as a small player in the huge world of investment and finance. It looks like digital currency is coming soon. How do you think it would be implemented such as a phase-in or dropping […]


QUESTION: I would imagine that if Trump is able to prevail in the courts and earn a second term social unrest would be profound but what would be the effects on the markets? RM ANSWER: There is still a shot that Trump can prevail if he can stop Biden from reaching 270 votes and that […]

Judge Blocks Pennsylvania & Powell Files Sues George & Michigan Others Sue Wisconsin

  All is not lost. I do not think that Trump can win by overturning votes. There is no time for that. What is possible is to prevent these four states, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin, from certifying Biden and that would throw the election into the House of Representative as was the case in […]

Middle of the Road

I still get emails from Biden supporters who just hate Trump and refuse to look beyond the United States. This is not an issue of Trump v Biden, Republican v Democrat, this is the attempt to take over the United States by a foreign agenda. There is no way Biden will ever run in 2024, […]

Supreme Court Rulings – Very Interesting

The Supreme Court blocked an Alabama Judge who was going to allow “curbside voting” as if this was MacDonalds’ drive-through. In a 5-3 decision, the court blocked the judge and allows the appeals to take place. This decision touches on something that is seriously wrong with the entire federal election process. Every state just does […]

The View from Britain

COMMENT FORM BRITAIN: Hi Martin   We certainly live in frustrating blood boiling times. Sadly it appears daily, that not enough was done before the election to prevent what happened – it would have been well worthwhile to set up passive surveillance cameras and teams at obvious electoral fraud hot spots ahead of time – […]

Market Talk – November 24, 2020

ASIA: Australia has hit out at “needlessly” worsening relations with China, with the country’s prime minister appealing for smaller nations not to be caught in the crossfire of Sino-US rivalry. Morrison insisted Australia wanted “mutually beneficial” relations with both its largest trading partner and the United States, while having the right to pursue its own […]

John Kerry – Schwab’s Davos-Man in Biden’s Cabinet

  John Kerry is a Davos Man. He has already publicly stated at Davos at the World Economic Forum that a Great Reset was urgently needed to stop the rise of populism – (i.e. Trump supporters). They regard Trump was elected by “populism” so what he was saying was to suppress those who voted for Trump which is anti-Democratic. He […]