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Bitcoin Still in Trouble

The rally in BitCoin was a perfect 13 weeks up from the last strategic low. It peaked with the Weekly Array the week of 12/18 which was both a Panic Cycle and a Directional Change. However, with the impending ban in South Korea on trading cryptocurrencies, the high of December appears to be at least […]

Iran Political Clarification

COMMENT: Two things:   “He is remembered for publicly stating that Israel should be wiped off the face of the Earth.”   Although he is indeed remembered in the West for ‘saying’ that, the truth is that phrase was a gross mis-translation of what he did say in Farsi. Just a simple lie. I don’t think […]

The Coldest New Year – Ever?

  NASA’s photo of the Blizzard of 2018 shows just how cold this season is turning into. I have made it clear I moved from New Jersey to Florida trying to get closer to REAL Global Warming. Our computer, which correlates absolutely everything in all fields, forecast that this would be the coldest winter many […]

What Did the Pivots Confirm or Deny for 2017?

QUESTION: Marty; At your training seminar you did a couple of year’s ago, you said your pivot numbers will confirm or deny a high. What was the status on the Pivots in the Dow for the close? PS Another training session would be nice. GD ANSWER: The 2006 closing was 12463.15 and the Pivots were […]

The 2018 Outlook Report

We are now starting the 2018 Outlook Report and this is going to be a shocker. We are looking at the start of a Panic Cycle Year in many markets. This warns we can see dramatic volatility that will make your nose bleed. Slingshots are highly likely 2018 and this will be indeed a time […]

This Flu Season Begins the Risk of a Pandemic 2018-2019

A possible new pandemic is forming from a deadly strain of flu emerging from Australia and will be headed to the UK as the normal flow of travels would take it. Britain will perhaps be hit with the worst flu season in 50 years. Already, there are about 170,000 cases of flu reported in Australia […]

Year-end For Asia

The Year-End number for the Shanghai share index is 3239.5. A closing above this number will keep the market in a consolidation mode. Resistance stands at 3478.01 and support going into 2018 will reside at 2444.0. A closing below 3478.01 will warn that we may see a retest of support. In the case of Hong […]

Erdoğan Wants to Revise the Treaty of Lausanne

The War Cycle is in full swing upward since 2014. We have witnessed the invasion of Ukraine, the invasion of Syria, Rocketman in North Korea, and numerous civil uprisings. However, the war also comes with sharply declining economies as political leaders need to point the finger outside their domestic rule to distract their people. The Turkish […]

Are Democrats/Left-Wing Parties Really Marxists?

QUESTION: Why do you paint the left/Democrats as really being Marxist? OP ANSWER: Marx is the one that started the entire focus on the class warfare. Keep in mind that Marx began his position with socialism – not communism. It was the Commune Movement in Paris that persuaded Marx to adopt communism, which was the […]

The Sun is Cooling Faster than Anyone Suspected

  The danger from the Global Warming crowd is that they are misleading the entire world and preventing us from what is dangerously unfolding that sparks the rapid decline in civilization – GLOBAL COOLING. I previously warned that this is not my opinion, but simply our computer. If it were really conscious it would be […]