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Lagarde’s Low-Flation

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Christine Lagarde of the IMF has stated that the problem with Europe and Japan is that they have no appreciable inflation. She calls it “low-flation.”  You have stated that the U.S. and Germany are always fighting their last economic war so the U.S. inflates and Germany deflates. So is Lagarde correct this […]

The Age of Civil Unrest

All governments had better open their eyes for we are on the brink of a major convergence between both the Cycle of Civil Unrest, Civil War & Revolution and International War. Both of these models converge and as I pointed out at the Cycles of War Conference, this is the first time we have seen […]

The Corporate Buy-Back Trend – Right on Cue

History repeats not merely because human emotions never change, it seems we end up with the same decision process that leads to the same trends. People just love raining on the current parade as stocks rally when they missed the entire boat to begin with. The bearishness with the new highs in the S&P 500 […]

Ukraine – From the Otherside’s View

COMMENT:  Sorry, Mr. Armstrong, what you wrote about Ukraine is not the Truth at all, it’s just YOUR truth , and/or that of your contributors. Living in Europe, we know very well EU is totally against the people : many people here think this (we are less and less influenced by the lined up media, […]

Russian Ruble

Russian Press state that Russia is unlikely to follow other emerging markets raising interest rates to try to support their declining currency. The ruble has been hit by both the rising tensions on the geopolitical front and the fact that its economy is still in the basket with emerging markets.

ECB Structural Faults & Switzerland Bail-Out of Banks

QUESTION: I’m not clear about the purpose of the ECB. Each member country goes to the international capital market and gets a different cost for its bond issuance based on its credit worthiness and other factors. If the ECB’s role is to redistribute the debt loads of stressed countries by taking from the less stressed countries, […]

China Trade Misleading

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong; Can you explain why the Chinese share market has declined since 2007 yet China’s economic trade flows are only now starting to decline? This is extremely confusing when the mainstream press has touted China as supporting the world economy. I suspect you are the only one that can answer this question. Thank […]

Bank Manipulations Coming to an End?

I have stated for years that the banks are NOT great traders – they are manipulators. You can tell the bias and untrustworthiness of mainstream press for just about every organization criticized Greg Smith’s book – Why I Left Goldman Sachs. Any journalist who dared to support Goldman and diminish what Smith wrote about is […]

The Paradox of the Dollar & the Crash

The dollar haters remain fixated on supply is supposed to determine value with a very myopic view that never considers DEMAND. They simply cannot understand why the dollar has not collapsed and in turn cling to some wild all-powerful conspiracy behind the strength of the dollar. I have stated countless times, the money center banks […]

The Emerging Market Crisis

The fourth quarter real estate in Singapore turned down showing that the whole Emerging Markets did tend to peak out with the ECM last August. This has led to a flight of investors from the once-booming emerging markets sector that is similar to the shift in what we began to see in 1994 that manifested […]