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How Empires Collapse – A Orderly Path to Conclusion?

A number of people have asked what does the future really hold with the civil unrest/war cycle turning up next year. Government NEVER collapses because of revolution. Let’s get this one very straight. Any government as long as it is strong will crush into dust all resistance. The key to the collapse of empires is […]

EU Commission Staged Coup Against Berlusconi in Italy

What is emerging over elections in Italy is really amazing. We have had the EU claim that the Italian Mafia is controlling elections in June. However, what is now starting to emerge is that the EU Commission played an active role in staging a coup to oust the former Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi and replace with […]

September Chaos Obama Wants $1.6 Trillion More in Taxes

President Obama is already posturing to raise taxes again. He is now calling for $1.6 trillion in tax increases. We are headed into a massive black hole and there is not much we are going to be able to do. These politicians are totally out in left field and we may actually see a government […]

Why the World Economic Must Collapse – This is Important

When the founders of the United States put pen to paper, they outlawed DIRECT TAXATION to preserve liberty. The American Revolution slogan was NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. Now G20 backs new tax transparency plan that will be the fatal blow to the world economy. The new tax reform action plan has won the support of the G20, […]

Artificial Intelligence – The Coming Revelation

  We have been getting a tremendous number of questions regarding our computer system. Accomplishing truly fully functioning Artificial Intelligence was by no means an easy task. The goal was quite simply to create a system that learns like a human being and builds a knowledge based that is ongoing and perpetual free of all […]

224 Cycle of Political Change

The year 2013 is a highly important turning point for the future of the United States. The exposure of the NSA spying on everyone thanks to Edward Snowden has revealed that the United States is no different from some of the most notorious governments in history. The entire debt ceiling crisis has also led to […]

Beyond Artificial Intelligence

We learn individually from experience. Unfortunately, as a society, that experience is lost with each generation beginning anew. We constantly act out in the same sequence of events because human nature does not change giving substance to the realization that history repeats because the passions of humanity never change. To take one giant step forward […]

2015 World Economic Conference

This year’s 2015 World Economic Conference may be the most important since 1987. This event will be a major educational conference which will lay out the future of what we are facing, including the major question of all – where do I put my money? We will also be looking at the Asset Allocation view […]

Return of Glass-Steagall

There are a group of Senators who want to bring back Glass-Steagall separating commercial banks from investment banks. That was removed by Goldman Sachs’ Robert Rubin under Bill Clinton. Nevertheless, the Fed is already advising banks that they will not insure losses on the trading side. The Fed has been advising banks they will only […]

So Where is the Recovery?

  One of the most fascinating aspects of market/economic behavior is how the majority MUST be wrong in order to fuel the movement. There are loads of articles and forecasts questioning the recovery and how the world will collapse into a black hole. But if everyone is short dollars/long gold it will never happen. Tons […]