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Europe Outlawing Short-Selling – And There Goes Britain?

Cameron loses fight with EU over allowing short-selling. The European politicians think they can prevent a collapse by outlawing short-selling. What these morons fail to grasp is that once a market turns down and confidence vanishes, the ONLY support is short-covering. Without that, you get the 90% declines as was the case during the Great […]

Electronic Money – Coming Everywhere Sooner than you Think

When Larry Summers said interest rates should be negative, he was flying a balloon to see how it was taken. Negative interest rates are coming. When the economy turns down after 2015.75, they cannot lower rates that are already too low, so in their mind, they have to go negative. You will be taxed effectively […]

The Collapse of a Country – This is What it Looks Like – CONFIDENCE

Argentina – The Blue Dollar   This notion that hyperinflation is how a nation collapses is very superficial. The real issue behind the collapse of a country is the collapse in the CONFIDENCE of the government. This is why we tend to see what people call “hyperinflation” in revolutionary and third world economies compared to […]

Confusion in Gold

The collapse in interest rates has led to a very unstable environment as far as the traditional interest and carrying cost for gold and other commodities. Of course people have made a big deal out this BACKWARDATION claiming it is a sign of real bullishness and manipulation. In truth, it is simply the interest and […]

Comprehending the Trend in Motion

COMMENT: Like many, panicked out of market in October ’08, (lost on stocks value and currency) and did not get back in properly. Sovereign debt crises globally results in loss of confidence in own currency, but equal loss of confidence in other currencies. Although many talk about deflation, what we see is the constant rise in […]

Gold Production

    QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Won’t the decline in gold prices reduce gold production? Isn’t that what eventually reverses the decline? Thanks FG ANSWER: Actually the answer is NO. What happens is typically production increases. Mines will focus on the highest grades and they will slash their exploration costs. They will also increase hedging. The price […]

MADMAX v Restructure

QUESTION: Hi Marty, You truly are the gadfly that Plato described of Socrates who kept pestering Greek government till they executed him but who Socrates commented that you are only killing the government and society more than you are killing me!  You talk of the collapse of the American empire sometime in 2032 analogous to […]

Do Government Always Default?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is there any exception to the Sovereign Debt Crisis? Has any government survived? Thanks HJ ANSWER: No. There is no exception whatsoever. Countries such as Spain were at the top of their game – the richest in the world. They borrowed against every ship because they could not wait for the money. […]

Panic of 53BC

Julius Caesar (100-44BC) The economic history of mankind has always been a story of boom and bust. Throughout time, we find crisis after crisis in the recorded pages of history. The slogans of revolution or revolt have far too often been merely a disguise for economic motives by the state, king, minister or emperor. The […]

Panic 1873

The Silver Democrats came to label this financial crisis the Crime of 1873. Of course, they understood nothing with respect to the global economy and merely assumed that the could do as they desired domestically without any regard to international trends of implications. Up until the year 1873, all the dollars in the world were […]