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Market Talk – April 4, 2019

Asia: MIT university announced today that they have terminated funding and research links with China’s Huawei and ZTE. The decisions comes amid ongoing tensions between the telecommunications company as well as China and the U.S. as a whole. On a more optimistic note, numerous news sources have claimed that America’s trade war with China is […]

Federal Judge Orders the Torture of Chelsea Manning – U.S. Violates Human Rights

  One of the most ruthless and unconstitutional powers federal judges have is to throw people into contempt until they break. The press NEVER reports the truth about the US legal system; they ALWAYS defend the government no matter what. They love to throw you into solitary confinement where the vast majority of prisoners commit […]

US$ Rallies as Central Banks Sell Dollars

QUESTION: I am a mega dollar bull – I totally get how it is the only game in town.  I’ve lived it too, having seen how the big banks work their balance sheets from the inside. However… occasionally people send me charts like the one below and get all excited.  They say we are de dollarizing […]

Market Talk – April 2, 2019

Asia: China’s central bank asked police to investigate a fake rate-cut report. The report emerged on social media, causing pressure on tech firms within China. In other news, China furthered relationship with Russia after purchasing 24 fighter jets Su-57. The Su-57 jet is touted as the world’s best military jet, which is quite controversial as […]

Turkey Elections

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) have won every vote since the party first came to power in 2002, but this time, the party had risked losing Ankara and faced a tough fight in Istanbul. Erdogan’s AKP appeared destined for defeat in the capital Ankara and faced a dead heat […]

The Sixth Wave & 2032

  QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong It was my great honour to meet you in Orlando in November. I couldn’t help hugging you! Thank you so much for all you are doing. Two questions: 1. In terms of societal collapse, I have been looking at 2032 as the date of armegeddon , or the next major asteroid […]

The Perfect Financial Storm

COMMENT: Martin, Have read the two blogs on the Emerging Markets. Hit like a cold bucket of ice water. Knew something was coming from all your writings and the EMC, but Wow. Right in front of us. Here is an observation, a thought: Emerging Markets could turn out to be the Sub-Prime of this new […]

Financial, Political & Banking Chaos in Europe Going into May

The British Parliament has rejected Prime Minister May’s BREXIT plan for a third time. This now leaves them to come up with a plan that Brussels must accept by April 12th or face a hard exit. On top of that, the phone here is melting down with questions about how “hard” is a “hard-landing” going […]

The Only Solution

QUESTION: Re Solution to a new monetary system:: In the “Solution” presented it was suggested that the existing US bonds be required to invest in companies in the USA. Does the govt just print the money for the bond values to give to the companies? If the companies receive the bonds, how are they liquidated otherwise? KB […]

Market Talk – March 28, 2019

Asia: U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer began a new round of discussions in Beijing today, and reports are that the two sides have made early progress in the current round of negotiations – including perhaps forced technology transfers. The recent issue regarding the Chinese company Huawei seems to be […]