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Can we learn collectively from the past and take one giant step forward for mankind?

QUESTION: Marty; I get it. You are Galileo in the financial world. You are a threat to everyone from government, Goldbugs,  to analytical circles. That is why they are so afraid of you and desperately try to pretend you do not exist. The treatment you received from the Goldbugs was disgusting and no different from […]

FDIC-Bank of England – Bail-In

  Resolving Globally Active, Systemically Important, Financial Institutions A joint paper by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England   10 December 2012           Resolving Globally Active, Systemically Important, Financial Institutions Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England     Executive summary   The financial crisis […]

Gee Wiz! The Euro Crisis is not Over? Who would have guessed?

The Euro has plummeted dropping to 12900 zone. Our Daily Bearish on the spot lies at 12940. Portugal interest rates have jumped to 8% and will move higher. Austria has closed 25% of all the branches of their bank in crisis, and we are waiting for the first crack in German banks. The EU Commission […]

Asset Allocation Blog

We have received numerous requests from old institutional clients that they need help on asset allocation. Even the famous All Weather Bridgewater Fund used by pension funds is under water. The asset allocation modeling that we have done for institutional clients over the years is adopting the most dramatic changes how portfolios should be restructured […]

Metals Bull or Bear?

QUESTION: Dear sir I have read your articles extensively and i have a few questions… You have repeatedly said that the tree must be shaken (for gold) but as far as i know gold and silver are in a BEAR market. This is not a correction in a bull market any more but a bear […]

How to Use the Forecasting Arrays

The question of TIME has puzzled humanity for millennia. What is it? Does it flow like a river or is it a simple dimension that can be transversed even traveling back to observe the past? Aristotle was one of the first to ponder what is TIME. His account of TIME in Physics IV.10-14, is where […]

The Fed is so Short they need a High-Chair

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, What does it suggest when Governments decide to switch from issuing long-term bonds to short-term bonds? Does this occur because of such a collapse in confidence the country/government that even high yields don’t attract investors any longer? I have read that recently, several South American governments/corporations are having difficulty selling their […]

Rising Tide of Civil Unrest

Around the globe people are rising up as Socialism is collapsing. All the promises of a better life have allowed governments to grow like mold in a closed bag of bread. The youth have no future for as government continue to hunt down any money as the G8 leaders pledged to hunt down anyone who […]

The Accomplishment of AI – Not Market Manipulation

COMMENT: The turn on the Euro was spot on.   Advice on the Yen/ Dollar   was also spot on.   Please give us some updates on the DOW though The best to you and your staff for all your hard work ANSWER: No body on a personal level can possibly pick so many turning […]

G8 Going to Hunt Down ALL Capital

These people cannot understand what they are doing to the world economy or even grasp why the liquidity has shrunk by about 50%. People do not believe the rise in the Dow claiming it is on low volume. They fail to grasp that everywhere we look, there is a massive contraction in global liquidity. As […]