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Denmark Also Passes Emergency COVID Law Coordinated with Germany – They Are Now Moving Rapidly Globally

Denmark has taken a major step to a totalitarian state. This new law allows forcing people who test positive for ‘dangerous diseases’ to be ‘medically examined, hospitalized, treated and placed in isolation’. This further grants the Danish Health Authority the power ‘to define groups of people who must be vaccinated in order to contain and […]

Georgia Recount – Still a Fraud & Agenda 2030

    This is why there should be a computer program that people go online to vote and we eliminate this outrageous fraud because the public has no idea what they are doing to the country because the “agenda” was never told to the people. We call this democracy where people can run for election […]

Just Hold On

  A ton of emails are coming in from holding dollars by Europeans to is it time to move assets to China. As long as Trump does not concede which is really a surrender in military terms which this transition of power really is based upon, then the game is still afoot. The object is […]

Market Talk – November 16, 2020

ASIA: US President-elect Joe Biden is expected to maintain a hard line on most matters, including export restrictions to Huawei. However, he will probably enlist more support from international allies and maintain more consistent policies than the ones Trump sometimes announced, and rescinded, via tweet, China watchers say. Some China watchers express skepticism that enlisting […]

What If Biden Wins?

The problem we will face if Biden wins is that the Democrats are hell-bent on not just raising taxes, but demonetizing the dollar to end hoarding of cash, which is what other countries are demanding behind closed doors. Wall Street backed Biden, not Trump, as they did with Hillary. This was the most expensive election […]

Trudeau Has Joined the Conspiracy Theorists

Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, has just come out publicly confirming now that Trump is out of the way, they will bring about the Great Reset. They will achieve equality by reducing the wealth and employment of the middle class while the superrich will become the overlords of this new normal. They are deliberately destroying […]

Tumps says Biden Won the Election by Fraud

Trump realizes what I wrote earlier – the Supreme Court is in a corner from which there is no escape. Now everything rests on Georgia. If the Democrats take the Senate it is time to turn out the lights. The election in 2022 will see the Democrats perhaps split, and they will lose control. This […]

Confrontation if Washington – Is there a Solution?

In the Washington pro-Trump rally Black-clad members of the group Refuse Fascism became violent as speeches got underway. Punches were exchanged. This is simply what we face going forward. These people do not even know what Fascism is. Nevertheless, they like the label and use it anyway. They obviously never bothered to just Google what […]

Market Talk – November 13, 2020

ASIA: China has extended congratulations to the US president-elect, Joe Biden, becoming one of the last countries to acknowledge his electoral victory over Donald Trump. On Friday, nearly a week after Biden was declared the winner, foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin commended the Democratic candidate and his running mate, Kamala Harris. Indian states are expected […]

Is there a Way Out?

QUESTION: Martin, I live in Canada.  Our PM had our former finance minister take the fall for their blatant corruption, is blocking and tackling every move to bring it to light and is turning our parliamentary government against the people, working to crush the economy, impose lockdowns, raid our government-mandated employment insurance funds to provide universal […]