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Market Talk – September 30, 2020

ASIA: China’s factory activity extended solid growth in September, a private survey showed as the nation’s crucial exports engine revved up on improving overseas demand and underlined a steady economic recovery from the coronavirus shock. The official manufacturing Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) rose to 51.5 in September from 51.0 in August, according to data from […]

Parliamentary advisor to the German Bundestag Has Come Out Warn the People

Warnung an die Bevölkerung Anonym, September 2020 Parlamentarischer Berater des Deutschen Bundestages Liebe Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger, ich wende mich als Mitarbeiter des Deutschen Bundestages mit der Funktion eines parlamentarischen Beraters an Sie. Durch meine Tätigkeit im Parlament habe ich Kenntnis davon, dass den Menschen in unserem Land wichtige Informationen in Zusammenhang mit der Coronakrise gezielt […]

Market Talk – September 29, 2020

ASIA: Chinese online media firm Sina Corp. is quitting Wall Street as Chinese tech companies come under heightened scrutiny in the United States. The Beijing-based firm is being taken private by its chairman and chief executive, Charles Chao, in a deal that values the company at $2.6 billion, Sina (SINA) said in a statement on […]

Market Talk – September 28, 2020

ASIA: Profits at China’s industrial firms grew for the fourth straight month in August, buoyed in part by a rebound in commodities prices and equipment manufacturing, the statistics bureau said on Sunday. Industrial firm profits grew 19.1% year-on-year in August to 612.81 billion yuan ($89.8 billion), the statistics bureau said. However, industrial firms’ profits still […]

The Markets & the Political Chaos into the Future – Where do we go?

Sometimes it is important to try to look at markets from an interrelated perspective. Here is the Dow/Gold Ratio which shows the extreme high in the Dow when gold made its historic low in 1999. We then see that gold rallied into 2011 against the Dow, but since that high, the Dow has been gaining […]

Biden & the Ukrainian Corruption – But Who Cares?

  The Senate Republicans have released a long-anticipated report that details Joe Biden’s alleged conflicts of interest when he was vice president and his son, Hunter Biden, was making millions with sweetheart business deals in Ukraine, Russia, and China. The report states that it wasn’t clear whether Hunter Biden’s lucrative appointment to the board of […]

London Police Attack COVID Protestors on Saturday 9/26/2020

  Once again, the London police continue to support the government and attacked peaceful protestors in Trafalgar Square. No matter what the evidence, the government is maintaining these Draconian lockdowns. We can see that the protest was peaceful until the police showed up to brutally abuse the rights of the people that will suppress their […]

The Masks – A Symbol of the Real Agenda

  I have spent decades in Asia, and people who were sick wore masks as a matter of courtesy. Masks were not worn by people to prevent getting sick because they do not work that way. When I went to the ER and they threw me into a COVID wing, I told them I did […]

Market Talk – September 25, 2020

ASIA: Major carmakers are suing the US government over import taxes it has imposed on Chinese parts. Tesla is the latest auto firm to object to customs duties introduced by the Trump administration and is demanding refunds. The US and China have imposed border taxes on each other’s goods and services as part of a […]

Market Talk – September 24, 2020

ASIA: ByteDance has applied for a tech export license in China as it races to seal a deal with Oracle Corp and Walmart Inc with hopes will end the US’ government plans to ban its TikTok video-streaming app on security grounds, Reuters reported. The Beijing-based firm submitted the application to Beijing’s municipal commerce bureau and […]