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The Approaching Famine

The most serious forecast that we see from our computer models has been a rise in agricultural prices caused by Global Cooling – not Global Warming. Crops cannot grow without the sun and water. Historically, when the weather turns cold, the crops fail. There is no question that food prices will rise during periods of […]

The Majority will Come Around When they are Compelled to See Gov’t in a New Light

COMMENT: Thank you for all or your recent posts in this regard. You have often said that we will be going through times that will try a man’s soul, and yes the Socrates platform will allow us to see it in motion, those of us who are prepared will stand a chance to survive and […]

Warning About People Soliciting Money for Trading

It has come to our attention that there are individuals soliciting clients for money to trade on their behalf claiming they have mastered our system and will use it. These people have NEVER managed money and handing them money is no different than asking a cab driver to conduct surgery on you because he sounds like […]

The Syrian War

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I greatly appreciate everything you do. I was moved when you ended your WEC in Orlando explaining that you see this as we are all in this together. You really make an effort to pass along sound advice without strings attached to solicit money. A very admirable effort I wish others would […]

The Saudi-Iran Brewing War

The turmoil in the Middle East has been instigated in part by fiscal mismanagement. When the money was rolling in with high oil prices, it was assumed, as always, that whatever trend is in motion will remain in motion. Consequently, the government expanded their spending assuming money would continue to flow in. When oil broke, […]

The Clear & Present Danger of a Global Cooling not Warming

This year will be much colder for Europe than the last three. It will also be cold in the USA. We are in a global cooling period and all the data we have in our computer system warns that the earth is turning cold not warm. This will manifest in a commodity boom in agriculture […]

Interest Rates will Double

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you for an excellent conference. I have been attending since 2011. Each time you deliver a different conference and they are always better than the last. I could not help to notice on Zero Hedge they ran a piece about a Harvard University’s visiting scholar at the Bank of England who claims: “We […]

Iran & War

Iran has a very rich history that lends itself to tremendous insight into the long-term future of the Middle East. It was Cyrus the Great who conquered Lydia which was the birthplace of money issued by the state. The Persians adopted the practice and then continued to produce coins with the same design as the […]

Trump’s Tax Reform

    These days, US President Donald Trump is pushing his number one agenda of his term in office – major tax reform. Trump has been meeting with some of his own party senators seeking approval for the planned tax reform he is hoping will be signed by the end of December at the latest […]

Market Talk for November 1st, 2017

We opened the first day of the month with a strong Asian session with indices up nearly 2%. In Japan, the Nikkei added 1.85% with a weaker Yen, associated energy stock comfort and helped by a huge earnings expectations from Sony (+11%). The Yen is now comfortably into the 114 handle and will now be talked […]