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Market Talk – March 1, 2023

ASIA:   China is willing to “constructively” participate in solving the debt problems of relevant countries under a multilateral framework, its Premier Li Keqiang said on Wednesday. China, the world’s largest bilateral creditor, has criticized multilateral lenders for not accepting losses, or haircuts, on loans to low-income countries while Beijing is being asked to do […]

The Rise of the Neocons Now Available $9.95

This may be perhaps one of the most important reports on what is really behind the destruction of our future. I have tried my best to cover the long history of how this group of people came from both political parties and have connived ever since Ronald Reagan became President to prevent any reconciliation with […]

The Rise of the Neocons

This may be perhaps one of the most important reports on what is really behind the destruction of our future. I have tried my best to cover the long history of how this group of people came from both political parties and have connived ever since Ronald Reagan became President to prevent any reconciliation with Russia or to establish world peace. From the very beginning of negotiations between Germany and then the Soviet Union in 1955 to open trade between the two nation-states, the Neocons have conspired against any such relationship.

The destruction of the Nord Stream Pipeline was the covert dream of the Neocons. In fact, from the outset, they directed American foreign policy to sanction even Western companies that made pipe for all of the Russian pipelines to Europe since 1960. This has been going on for 72 years. The origin of the Neocons was actually inside the Democratic Party. They wanted the totalitarian power that Marxism created, but they were not fond of the economic equality positions. Thus they became the "conservatives" inside the Democratic Party - not the Republicans. Yet ever since, they have gathered Republicans to support their causes as well and that is typically waging war and their main goal is always Regime Change. Today, they have become an unelected silent third party that infiltrates the current administration to gain their objectives.

This report is meant to provide the UNBIASED historical facts of how they began, who they are, and where as well as when they are taking us to a very dark future. Hopefully, like cockroaches, when you turn on the light, just maybe they will scatter. This report is reasonably priced to hopefully seek the widest possible audience and we need word of mouth to spread the truth to save our future. So send this link to everyone you know. Just maybe some will put down their COVID mask and open their eyes.

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Market Talk – February 28, 2023

ASIA: India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth slowed to a three-quarter low of 4.4 percent in October-December 2022-23 primarily due to a 1.1 percent contraction in manufacturing, along with weaker private consumption demand and government expenditure, according to data released by the National Statistical Office (NSO) on Tuesday. Slowing from 6.3 percent in July-September and […]

Market Talk – February 27, 2023

ASIA: JPMorgan is proposing a new Asia credit index with slashed China weighting in parallel to its existing $85 billion Asia credit index, amid growing geopolitical tensions and dimming appetite for Chinese property bonds, Reuters reported. For the new index, JPMorgan has suggested the weighting of China be cut to close to 30% compared with […]

The Biden Administration is Just Insane & Should Be Removed At Once

The threats from Biden that all the Russian Assets he has confiscated illegally from private Russians that he will hand to Ukraine is another example that demonstrates that there is nobody in the Biden Administration that understands anything about the world. The United States and Europe have countless private businesses that have assets around the […]

Will 13 Million Ukrainians Just Move to Germany?

According to the UN refugee agency, more than thirteen million people, or nearly a third of Ukraine’s prewar population, have been displaced since the invasion. Of that, more than five million are internally displaced, while over eight million are refugees living in neighboring countries. Our former two employees from Ukraine are now in Berlin. In comparison, […]

Interview: Neocons Need War Because Monetary System Collapsing

Watch the video above or click here for the latest interview with USAWatchdog. Commentary from Greg Hunter: Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said at the end of last year the U.S. is being set up for a “nightmare fall.” Train derailments and political problems are spinning out of control, but the biggest […]

Market Talk – February 24, 2023

ASIA:   The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 increased 349.16 points or 1.29% to 27,453.48 Shanghai decreased 20.32 points or -0.62% to 3,267.16 Hang Seng decreased 341.31 points or -1.68% to 20,010.04 ASX 200 increased 21.60 points or 0.30% to 7,307.00 Kospi decreased 15.48 points or -0.63% to 2,423.61 […]

Markets & War

The financial markets had become integrated globally prior to World War I. It was the globalization and openness of world financial markets that became the problem and are important to understand for we will face the same problem today. The capital was free to flow from one country to another before World War I.  All […]