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Hedge Funds are now Too Big to Fail Qualifying them for Seizure if $100 billion+

The Federal Reserve began as a simple private sector clearing house/insurance fund, which is why the banks were the owners. Yes, the Fed was given the power to create money that was to be ELASTIC. They would create money during a bank panic to satisfy demand and then shrink it when depositors return to the […]

IMF Proposed Expropriation for Europe

  The IMF proposal to just take 10% of all European deposits would certainly not take place before the EU elections on May 25th. We do show higher volatility and a crazy period in 2014 in the September/October period. That will be the beginning of the crisis period that will not end until about 2020. […]

It is all Connected – US Population Growth Collapsing & That Fits In Nicely with the Economic Collapse

Everything is connected. The correlations are complex yet predictable. I have stated numerous times that the more affluent a society becomes, the slower the growth rate. Then add uncertainty and it gets much worse. The population of Rome collapsed and this defeats the Ponzi scheme of how governments assume they will always have a rising […]

What Kind of Trader is Trading

COMMENT: Trading: I cannot do stock trading on the exchange as I will always loose.Trading is a zero sum business if you include seller, buyer and bank/broker fees.I believe that the winner on trading are the banks and the brokers. I believe that “Naked” trading and speculation by the big banks has ruined the free market and […]

Collapsing the Economy Makes No Sense

COMMENT: So government has no interest in collapsing the economy, but they do in collapsing the Twin Towers as you intimated?  We’re all a bit looney in our own way I guess. JC REPLY: Follow the money. 911 expanded their power and got rid of an investigation into $2.3 trillion missing money at the Pentagon […]

Fed Balance Sheet hits $4 trillion

The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet expanded to a record $4 trillion in the week ended December 18th. The Fed balance sheet has expanded thanks to QE  buying $85 billion a month in Treasurys and mortgage related assets since last January. The Fed’s balance sheet has expanded from $891 billion in 2007 without creating inflation. This is […]

Model Design – Hey Look at This!

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I believe reading between the lines, you discovered something incredibly important yet everyone looks at you in the wrong way as if this is all some theory you began with in the traditional manner. Things like random walk are theories to justify someone who could not discover anything so they created a […]

Fed Tapers Letting As Always the Lame Duck Do the Job

The U.S. Federal Reserve announced plans to trim its aggressive bond-buying program by $10 billion but will maintain its key interest rate at low levels for even longer than previously promised. This is precisely the way things always go in Washington. Granted, only a 12% of the analysts thought the Fed would Taper today pushing […]

Complexity & the Future of the Dow

QUESTION: Hi Mr Armstrong. Going by your projections, is it reasonably safe to assume we will not have a major depression/crash before the 2032 ultimate cycle high? Many thanks. ANSWER: No. Nothing goes straight up. What does have to happen is the thinking process will invert and higher interest rates will be seen as bullish for […]

Fed Meeting Tomorrow

The employment and growth data have improved since the last Fed meeting in October, and Congress has reached a two-year budget deal that takes them right up to 9/30/2015 perfectly in line with the ECM peak at 2015.75. Our target date has been published for years and is a straight mathematical formula. The precise day […]