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Britain Seizing Pension Funds?

  I have been warning that Chancellor George Osborne is probably going to go down in history as the man who destroys what is left of the British empire. He has done everything wrong. Seizing pension funds to be invested by his decree is up there with Argentina’s standards. Osborne is currently putting in place […]

Real Estate in Real Terms

QUESTION: Dear Marty, When talking about negative interest rates and a shift of cash from banks to the stock market from 2017, would that not mean that cash may also shift to property and other assets? Yet I thought that we have seen the high in the property market already? Thanks for your useful insights […]

European Banking Crisis

European banks are in a real crisis. They have been decimated by fines and trading after they tried to mimic their New York competition without the same expertise. Then they had to use euro debt of member states as reserves. Next came the rising taxes and the push to enforce taxation which has seriously harmed […]

Germany to Enforce a €5,000 Limit on Cash Transactions

The German people do not have to worry about their taxes rising because of the Greeks; the refugees are whom they should worry about. Now the German government is joining the rest of the crowd and preparing to move electronic. They will look at introducing a limit of €5,000 euros on any cash transaction to combat money laundering […]

Is the Fed Being Browbeaten into Negative Rates?

The Federal Reserve is in a real crisis. Interest rates are falling negative around the world which by no means has succeeded in stimulating anything. Governments are dead broke and they keep raising taxes yet hope the central bank can compensate by lowering interest rates to negative. Between rising Taxes and declining interest rates, this toxic-mix […]

A Cashless Europe – Stupidity Has No Limitations

  QUESTION: Martin, An all electronic currency seems almost inevitable to some, however as you have stated in the past not everyone ha the ability/facility to transact solely electronically. With cash being anything which is agreed the most marketable asset, wouldn’t the people of Europe just transact in another form of cash (USD, gold, silver […]

The Lucrative Career or Lies, Deceit, & Fraud

Being a politician is a business. They are, for the most part, concerned only about themselves and will always vote to raise taxes because they benefit the establishment, as the Clintons can verify. Some leverage their political capital by striking golden contacts while in office and selling influence derived from their power that is typically funneled […]

What Happens to Cash When Governments Go Electronic?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What happens to paper money when the government moves electronic? Is it just cancelled? Does cash then become worthless? Thanks RD ANSWER: It appears that electronic currency will first arrive in Europe. The cash will be demonetized, so yes, it will become worthless. However, they will most likely give you a time […]

Restitution Coinage of Trajan 107AD – The Demonetization of the Money Supply

In the year 107AD, the Emperor Trajan attempted to revitalize the money suppy ordering that all the old coinage be “melted down all the worn-out coinage” according to the historian Casssius Dio. In essence, the treasury was greatly depleted due to his prolonged campaign to conquer Dacia, modern day Yugoslavia region. Trajan actually demonitzed all […]

Legal Reform – Learning From the Mistakes of the Past

Typically, the first thing society addresses that sparks a revolution is the abuse of justice. Shakespeare’s famous quote, “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers,” is not actually about lawyers. You have to understand the context. Private individuals were not allowed to have lawyers in those days – only the king could have lawyers. It was not until […]