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Why Do Democrats Create More Laws That Harm Society?

Shakespeare’s famous line was: “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” To put that in its proper context, only the king had an attorney, so they were prosecutors. When we look at the real difference between Republicans and Democrats who enter politics, it becomes an indictment against the legal profession. Lawyers are […]

Sleepwalking into Our Own Demise

COMMENT: I was there on the staff of _____________ when you were on Capitol Hill. It was Dick Army who told you he could not support Bill Archer’s retail sales tax because when the Democrats gained power we would have a retail sales tax and an income tax. I found your piece on Europe sleepwalking […]

Biden on Crack and Mass Incarceration

As if we needed more proof that the elites are beyond the law — disgraceful. Listen to the words coming out of Joe Biden’s mouth juxtaposed to a video of his son weighing crack cocaine in a filthy hotel. The sweet “Uncle Joe” image that Obama created for this man is a lie. As senator […]

New York Prohibits Illegal Aliens from Voting

In a groundbreaking moment of enlightenment, New York lawmakers decided that only US citizens should be able to vote. “There is no statutory ability for the City of New York to issue inconsistent laws permitting non-citizens to vote and exceed the authority granted to it by the New York State Constitution,” wrote Staten Island Supreme […]

A Red Wave is Coming

After examining 12 months of data from 1.7 million Americans, the Associated Press (AP) has found that people are fleeing the Democratic Party. The Democrats enjoyed a slight edge while Trump was in power, as the outspoken president seemingly polarized voters who felt the two parties represented good v. bad. Inflation is running at a […]

Obama Called the Gas Tax Holiday a Gimmick

President Joe Biden is calling for a three-month gas tax holiday to lower the price at the pump. Interestingly, former President Obama opposed a gas tax holiday when energy prices were much lower. In fact, he called temporarily suspending the tax a “gimmick.” The US government currently charges 18 centers per gallon of gasoline and […]

Market Talk – April 25, 2022

ASIA: Stocks in Hong Kong slumped and those in mainland China tumbled by the most in more than two years as Covid-19 outbreak spread to Beijing with some areas in the capital coming under lockdown, heightening economic losses. The Hang Seng Index sank 3.7 percent to 19,869.34 at the close, its lowest level since March […]

Does Zuckerberg Belong in Prison?

We cannot even donate $10,000 to a political candidate, but if you are Mark Zuckerberg, you can help to manipulate elections. He was able to prevent the break up of his company by pouring hundreds of millions into the election and then blamed Russia for buying advertisements on Facebook during the 2016 election. Mark Zuckerberg […]


COMMENT:  Dear Mr. Armstrong You have to ask yourself the have most fiat currencies ended? The answer is simply, how you HAVE to prepare yourself for the endgame, irrelevant of WHEN it may occur, the time to prepare is always yesterday, but if yesterday is too late, today shall be also a good time. […]

The Immigration Crisis is Intended to Change Politics by Terminating Republican Opposition

The Biden Administration is deliberately trying to allow illegal aliens in, grant them residency, and then voting rights before the November 2022 election. Biden sent his proposal to Congress in January 2021 that he calls the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, which includes: Create an earned roadmap to citizenship for undocumented individuals. The bill allows […]