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The Fate of Canada Hangs in the Balance

Trudeau has shown the entire world that he is unfit to be the leader of any pretend free democratic nation. He is invoking the Emergence Act not used for more than 50 years to cut off funding for truckers responsible for nationwide protests that have gridlocked the nation’s capital for weeks. But he may go […]

January 6th – Greece v Turkey

Another January 6th, 2022 important geopolitical event was the rising tension between Turkey and Greece. There has been an arms race between the two which escalated going into the end of 2021. Turkey intensified the arms race when it asked Biden to buy 40 F-16 fighter jets to upgrade its Air Force. The move coincides […]

Kazakhstan – NATO & The ECM into 2032

There is a confrontation in the wind. Sergei Ryabkov, Russia’s deputy foreign minister and special negotiator in the US-Russia talks in Geneva, bluntly states that NATO can no longer “push” Russia to a minor role in European and international politics. NATO must return to the borders of 1997. Russia is blaming the US for the […]

January 6, 2022 & Civil Unrest

QUESTION: Your target for this week concerning Russia might be hitting Kazakhstan. The protesters began shooting the military and they set the President’s home on fire. Could this be the January 6th target? EH ANSWER: The protests there are over inflation with the drastic price rise in fuel. I find it interesting that Russia is […]

It’s Looking A Lot Like Frozen Winterland

The weather is following what our computer has been forecasting using historical data and correlating history to ascertain the cyclical nature of weather. The ice has now grown larger than the global warming crowd has ever predicted. This threatens Europe with a very cold winter that will further endanger food production. The entire problem with […]

2021 WEC Reports for Attendees

These are all the reports you should be able to download These reports have been prepared for the WEC Attendees. Since the attendance may exceed that of Davos by 10 fold, I tried hard to write all of this over the last six months because we are facing the end period going into the Sixth […]

Property Rights are Human Rights — 2032.95

Here is a simple explanation of property rights for those who would like to abolish capitalism. Klaus Schwab says, “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.” I think it is important to understand what this entails. I have said before that socialism cannot exist outside of authoritarianism to force people to comply with […]

9/11 – the False Flag Allegation & Bin Laden

QUESTION: The Taliban are claiming there is no proof that Osama bin Laden ordered the 9/11 attack. Was this truly and an American false flag or was it real? Any comment? HN ANSWER: It is interesting that 9/11 took place precisely on the pi target date of the Economic Confidence Model. However, I know that […]

Gates & Our Dark Future

  For months, I have been getting info from behind the curtain where there are still people who are against this entire agenda. I refrained from publishing most of what I heard not that it was wrong, but it was so far-fetched it certainly seemed like a conspiracy theory. This push using COVID for a […]

The Plot of the Demigods

QUESTION: Marty, Did you ever think when you studied history, created Socrates, then observed what would unfold in the future would lead you to what we see happening today, in social collapse and the march toward authoritarianism? Truly, wasn’t this like discovering the Rosetta Stone and other mysteries best left untouched? When did it dawn on […]