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Constructing a Future

Our models have been targeting 2018 for the last 30 years as the first potential year for a monetary crisis and reform. There was a shot that we could have doubled the Dow and everything would have bottomed on the first potential, such as gold in 2013 to 2014, and then turn up into that […]

401K Coming Crisis – Robbing Your Future for Govt. Employees

401K is a Private Retirement Fund under US Law QUESTION: Martin, I’m still fairly young, so I don’t have a lot saved in my retirement accounts yet, but I’ve been maxing out my IRA for the last few years to get the tax deduction. I worry because I’ve heard you and others talk about congress wanting […]

Velocity of Money – The Harbinger of Future Omens

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I think this would help readers. I kind of don’t get it. How does the decrease in international velocity of money lead to the youth not having jobs? I don’t see the causation. — Cheers, PC ANSWER: The VELOCITY of money is how fast people are spending and using money – its turnover rate. The […]

Gold & a Future Bull Market

To make it clear, nothing has changed. A bull market is something that rises in terms of all currencies. The paper dollar and gold are ending up on the same side of the fence with this war on cash that is brewing. J.P. Morgan is looking to charge money to people who have cash on […]

Futures Markets & Money

COMMENT: As you say, future contracts are not immoral. What has created quite some problems in recent years was the ability to work with structurate finance using both futures and ability to speculate leveraging on margin. The combination of the two can be quite dangerous if most of the money are trapped here. As for money, […]

What is Money & Are Future Contracts Immoral?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Even though you don’t usually post comments from people that you perceive as “critical” of some of your views, as well as those who try to correct you when you do make errors (we’re all human, not perfect), I still feel compelled to point out some things on several issues you’ve written […]

Gold & Future – Looking Brighter?

The emails now favor those who are reformed gold “investors” with still some diehard believers in fiat, manipulations, and paper gold. Futures have existed since Babylonian times and have had the exact opposite impact as claimed – they expand liquidity and thus make that market more suitable for trading be it stocks, bonds, or commodities.Gold […]

The Sum of our Future – He who Makes the Laws never goes to Jail for Breaking them

Working for the government was always pitched as somehow being better guaranteed than risky corporations. However, he who makes the laws never goes to jail for breaking them – a plain fact of life. The problem with government pensions has been they promised whatever sounded nice, with zero accountability. The presumption that tax revenue was an […]

Future Web Conferences

COMMENT: Martin Armstrong. Hi – I was a die-hard goldbug. You changed me for ever Martin. Thank you. I think you will be remembered as one of the greatest economists of all times. I am from Argentina and I always read your work. I am just a white collar bank analyst from Argentina who thought that […]

There is no long-term future without serious reform

COMMENT:  Yes you are correct MA  Australia is way to socialistic!!  This country needs people with brains but those with them don’t want to stay because they can feel the isolation and limit of the countries location.   But do you think the UK is any better??  Look at it , it follows US in […]