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Was Trump the Right Person?

QUESTION: Do you think Trump is the right person to lead the charge against the swamp? FM ANSWER: The one qualification Trump had was a thick skin. They have so attacked him from every possible angle it is hard to separate the real issues from Trump the person. So if Trump tried to run again, […]

Six Republicans Who Voted to Impeach Trump Led by Mitt Romney – Of Course

The Senate wrapped up initial arguments on Tuesday and is set to begin hearing evidence Wednesday in Donald Trump’s impeachment trial. History will remember every member who voted that this proceeding is constitutional. There is NO precedent for such a farse and now when the Republicans get back in power they can go back and […]

Can Congress Really put Trump on Trial to Impeach him?

QUESTION: You said the impeachment may be illegal because Trump is no longer the president. Do you think it will still go on? DK ANSWER: We are in the twilight zone. An impeachment trial is limited to the removal from office. It is not a criminal proceeding. The Democrats are going after Trump on so […]

Trump’s Impeachment Trial set for February 8th

  I always find it very interesting how our model picks up key targets in time in advance and then the fundamentals unfold to fit the computer forecasts. Schumer has just set the date for the trial of Trump to start February 8th. Our model had forecast that the week of the 4th would be […]

Trump’s Farewell & Now the Great Reset & The Secret Agenda – Divide & Conquer

  CNN has done its best to absolutely trash everything Trump has ever done. They even have the audacity to write: “He leaves office with more than 400,000 Americans dead from a virus he chose to downplay or ignore” despite the fact when he shut down air travel from China the Democrats called him racist. […]

Delta Airlines Throw People Off the Plane Because they Voted for Trump

  Looks like they are getting everyone to simply discriminate against anybody who voted for Trump. Perhaps Delta should change its logo to Marxist Airlines. If they think they will avoid being shut down by kicking off anyone who voted for Trump, perhaps they should know that behind the curtain they are looking to put […]

The Italy Connection – Defense Contractor Intervened in US Election to Remove Trump  

They Are Rallying for Trump Around the World   Even in Japan, people realize that the election has been stolen. Biden will not have the confidence of the people worldwide and he was chosen just like Bush, Jr. so others can run the agenda. This appears to be part of the collapse of confidence in the government. The Democrats may think they […]

Will Pence Stab Trump & the Country in the Back?

QUESTION: You are not optimistic that Pence will defend Trump and the country? DK ANSWER: No. Pence was a member of Congress. Trump’s fatal flaw was that he accepted people from the establishment because he was told they knew all the details as to how the government ran. Every single one stabbed Trump in the […]

Trump calls out Washington on its Standard Corruption

President Trump on Tuesday night called for Congress to take back the massive $2.3 trillion stimulus calling it a “disgrace” for it was handing money out to foreign governments and illegal aliens who all got more money than American citizens. Congress gave Americans $600 which is not enough to pay the rent for one month. […]