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Market Talk – December 12, 2019

ASIA: According to reports from Reuters, China is trying to propose a plan to promote Macau to be its next “Hong Kong” by building it into a world-leading financial center. China unveiled plans of creating a yuan-denominated stock exchange, as well as allocating extra land to Macau for it to grow. The region was a […]

Market Talk – December 4, 2019

  ASIA: US President Donald Trump sounded a little more optimistic over the trade deal with China today, having stated that current talks are going very well. Yesterday, President Trump sent the market into a slight frenzy suggesting that perhaps it would be better to wait until after the elections in November next year to […]

Market Talk – November 1, 2019

ASIA: The Asia Pacific trade pact is in jeopardy of stalling after India voiced last minute hesitations. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) would free trade between 16 countries whose collective GDP composes 1/3 of the global economy. Leaders from all 16 nations are set to meet in Bangkok on Monday. However, India voiced reluctancy […]

Market Talk – October 11, 2019

ASIA: US President Donald Trump expressed an optimistic note at the end of the first day of trade talks in Washington DC. “We had a very, very good negotiation with China,” Trump told the media. Meanwhile, foreign firms in China have a clear road map for full ownership of financial services companies. By 2020, overseas […]

Hong Kong & Risks in Asia

Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. suffered a 12% drop in passengers due to the Hong Kong protests. Airfare prices are dropping in an attempt to win back visitors. Consequently, Cathay Pacific Airways is looking to sell a U.S. dollar bonds as there are rising fears that the Hong Kong peg may break with the protests. The […]

Deutsche Bank Formally Classified as a Problem Bank

  Deutsche Bank has now been classified as a problem bank by FDIC and has been included in a list of banks to be watched. This is the biggest bank in Europe. It cannot be merged within Germany with Commerce Bank for there is just not enough equity to overcome the derivative losses. The only other […]

Where do We go? Is Any Place Safe?

  Many people have written in asking the same question: “My question is as follows. Since we are all connected in this world. Will there be any place at all that will not be affected by a WW3? “ So far, we do not see anywhere in the developed world that will be unaffected. That does […]

The Sovereign Debt Crisis has Spread to 119 Countries

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; For the past two WEC events you have warned that the Sovereign Debt Crisis will strike first outside the USA and the rise in the dollar and US interest rates will push emerging markets into default. Since you also said that pension funds had rushed into emerging market debt to get higher […]


Martin Armstrong’s Media Appearances If you are interested in arranging an interview with Martin Armstrong, please fill out our “Contact” form located on the homepage and select “I have a question about media engagement and/or an interview request.” 2023 World War Zee: Maria Zeee – Martin Armstrong – Interview with Maria Zeee (10/27/23) World War […]

Cold Wave Hits Thailand

Our staff in Thailand are reporting – “It’s Cold!” They are wearing coats in a place that is normally 30c (86f). Weather will continue to get strange in a lot of places around the globe. The decline in the energy output of the sun is extremely rapid and far more than anyone expected this quickly […]