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Historical Evidence of Climate Change Links to Political Change

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have read your thesis on global warming and that this is only part of a natural cycle. I admit that you have persuaded me whereas the claims are false especially that New York City should have been under water by now according Al Gore. You mentioned that there was global warming which […]

The Climate Change/Global Warming Crowd Paid to Produce Bullshit

Government is always about money — just show me the money. It is a shame that we have to deal with such corruption in academia. They can do as they like because they know students will get loans that they can never pay off so they teach nonsense and tell people they cannot find a […]

Refusal to Publish Research that Shows Anti Man-Made Climate Change

Whenever someone discovers something that contradicts established academia, their findings are suppressed. This is true in economics, earth sciences, and even archaeology. Heinrich Schliemann discovered Troy and most of the ancient cities because he believed that Homer was history when academics declared it a story for children without proving that conclusion. There are countless objects in […]

Global Warming & Climate Change: The Tax Agenda

In September, authorities banned cars from the streets of Paris in preparation for the 2015 Climate Change conference. Governments are behind the climate change propaganda because they want to introduce a per mile driven tax. A core group of academics is on board because the government pays them to put out studies to justify the […]

Global Warming/Climate Change Guide for Dummies

  QUESTION: Martin, Can you go into more detail about the time frame for global cooling, and its ramifications, what to do to prepare oneself etc… Obviously this is going to affect everyone, everywhere. craig ANSWER: According to our models, this downturn should be greater than the last one in the 1700s. Volatility rises, so the swings […]

Climate Change – A Fraud to Justify More Taxes

The global climate change crowd really needs to be imprisoned. They have been deliberately creating a giant fraud that is just amazing. The low in the energy output of the sun was during the late 1700s. They have attributed everything to man and ignored long historical evidence that demonstrates that there is a cyclical beat […]

Using Pollution to Manufacture “Climate Change”

  Massive chunks of ice have come on shore at Cape Cod. The Global Warming nut-jobs are attributing this too to “Climate Change” caused by man. The fascinating aspect is they cannot explain their theory beyond 1900. They totally ignore basic physics that the sun is a thermal dynamic system which beats like your heart. […]

Man Made Climate Change is a Fraud

I have stated all along that this is total bogus nonsense about global warming cause by man. This theory is concocted by people who are either totally a fraud used to scare government into handing them billions of dollars to justify new taxes, or they are sublime idiots incapable of anything but stupid linear thinking. […]

Climate Change

Copyright January 7th, 2013 All Rights Reserved       By There was a discovery made in 1772 near Vilui, Siberia of an intact frozen woolly rhinoceros. Here we had a prehistoric animal intact. This was followed by the more famous discovery of a frozen mammoth in 1787. You may be shocked, but these discoveries […]

Climate Always Changes

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I want to commend you for standing up against the covert agenda of global warming. It is dumbfounding how decades of research into geology can just be ignored. You are correct that everything changes. The magnetic polls move continually so places that were tropic became covered in ice and places that are ice […]