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Is Cryptocurrency a Government Plot?

  QUESTION: You have said that the future will be cryptocurrencies. The Bank of Canada has come out and acknowledged what you have been saying that such private issue challenges the government’s profit structure. Do you think electronic money will be viable sooner or later down the road? PG ANSWER: Electronic currency is ALREADY the bulk of […]

No Advertising

COMMENT: Thank you so much for not taking advertising. When you try to read articles o0n other sites, up pops some advert blocking everything until you click to get rid of it. This is the most frustrating experience. Thank you so much. REPLY: No worries. I hate that as well. Such sites have lost touch with […]

Gold Better in Euros than Dollars?

QUESTION: G’day guys. Thanks for a great seminar in Hong Kong! I’m reading through your 1 world currency report and find it very interesting, going back to primary school teachings about barter systems and some funny monetary acceptances that have been in place many years ago. Like 14.5 kg copper plates as a currency only back […]

Diamonds replacing Gold?

  There has been an effort to use diamonds in place of gold since you can travel with them without setting off metal detectors. But the real problem has been the untrained eye can easily be fooled. The Singapore Diamond Investment Exchange (SDiX), has launched a new product they hope to compete with gold. Perhaps this […]

The Coming One-World Currency

QUESTION: Bitcoin + Cryptocurrencies Firstly, thank you – I’ve learned more from your blog and models that high-school would ever have hoped to teach me. And even after a year, I am a still at the start-line of knowledge. I am also been a follower and investor/gambler on crypto for over a year.   I […]

Market Talk- October 13th, 2017

Today we saw Bitcoin (BTC) close and break through the 5000-dollar mark for the first time –BTC recovered fast from the recent downturn to 2800 level found mid-September, the issue I have is what is the long-term prospects with such a cryptocurrency. The questions we must ask is will Governments allow such a currency without […]

The Bull Market – This time It Really Is Different

This current Bull Market has indeed been the most hated in history. Typically one expects complete euphoria as new highs are made. However, this bull market is really different this time. This rally is by no means the product of euphoria. While the majority of analysts have been calling for a crash since 2010 and […]

BitCoin & Alternative Currencies

QUESTION: I very much look forward to reading your blog every day and feel that I am learning much. I don’t know much about BitCoin but I note that it has almost doubled since the beginning of the year. Does your model have any insight into the future of cryptocurrencies like BitCoin. MR ANSWER: The problem […]

Do Not Trust Governments or Their Employees

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am familiar with the case of Robert Kahre who eventually lost a battle with the IRS for paying his employees in $20 gold pieces to avoid payroll taxes. However, do you think holding foreign currency gold pieces in a foreign bank account would be different from a US tax perspective so that […]

Interviews & Press

Martin Armstrong’s Media Appearances If you are interested in arranging an interview with Martin Armstrong, please fill out our “Contact” form located on the homepage and select “I have a question about media engagement and/or an interview request.” 2024   Surveillance State to Spark Civil Wars and the Fall of Nations – Interview with Commodity […]